A three-step formula to feel less trapped by the terms of your divorce.
Divorce Blog
Welcome to the award-winning DivorceMag.com Blog: ranked as the #1 Divorce Blog on the Internet every year since 2016! In these pages, you’ll find posts by experts as well as posts by individuals who are facing the challenges of separation, the divorce process, and life after divorce. We hope you find these text and video separation and divorce blog posts interesting and informative – and a source of support and advice as you make your way through divorce into a new life. For information about becoming a blogger for this website, click here.
Part I: What is Gaslighting? 6 Types of Gaslighting Techniques
After being subjected to the following gaslighting techniques, the victim is most often left feeling dazed and wondering if there is something wrong with him or her. Here is a clear definition of the six types of gaslighting.
Recover and Heal from the Inside out After Divorce
Once you move through the divorce recovery cycle, you will have cultivated a positive mindset along with a positive attitude.
4 Reasons To Remodel Your Bedroom Post Divorce
If you’re struggling just being in your room because it reminds you of your ex-spouse, it may be time to remodel your bedroom.
New Hobbies To Get You Through Your Breakup
If you’re having a hard time seeing anything through those tears, here are some ideas to get your creative thoughts going.
Thinking of Proposing For the Second Time? Also Propose a Prenup
While hindsight is 20/20, the advantage of entering into a second marriage is that you have learned what issues to spot and how to ensure the peace of mind that a prenup can bring to you and your future spouse.
Is Living Apart the Trick to Staying Together?
Does living separately increase the odds of staying together? A new trend calls into question the benefits of cohabitation for successful relationships.
How To Prepare for Divorce Mediation
Recommendations from a mediator/attorney as to how you can best prepare for your mediation.
Moving into a New Place After Divorce or Separation
Moving into a new place after divorce is a big change, and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. Take some time to consider your options.
How to Refresh and Unwind After Divorce
If you want to refresh and unwind after divorce, here are a few essential strategies.
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