Whether you’re contemplating divorce or already in the process, your primary concern should be your children and how this will affect them.
Divorce Blog
Welcome to the award-winning DivorceMag.com Blog: ranked as the #1 Divorce Blog on the Internet every year since 2016! In these pages, you’ll find posts by experts as well as posts by individuals who are facing the challenges of separation, the divorce process, and life after divorce. We hope you find these text and video separation and divorce blog posts interesting and informative – and a source of support and advice as you make your way through divorce into a new life. For information about becoming a blogger for this website, click here.
The Importance of New Routines for Kids Post-Divorce
While creating and maintaining new routines for kids post-divorce may feel like the last thing on your mind, it’s one of the most important things you can do for your child’s happiness.
Be-Do-Have: A Coparenting Model
How to apply the Be-Do-Have Coparenting Model, a well-known coaching tool that helps coparents communicate with an ex-spouse.
Relationships Are a Two-Way Street – The Importance of Family Values
Family values include all the ideas of how you want to live your family life, what behaviors you accept, what principles you honor, and the function family plays in your life.
Are Divorce Rates in the U.S. on the Rise?
According to the United States Census Bureau, marriage rates and divorce rates both decreased between 2009 and 2019. Learn more here.
Surviving the Holidays During Divorce
The holidays can bring on the blues regardless of what is going on in your personal life. If you’re going through divorce, here are some tips on how to survive the holidays.
Adele’s Secret Relationship: Why You Should Wait Before Dating After Divorce
Rivaled only by Taylor Swift, Adele is the queen of break-up songs. As we begin to unpack Adele’s brand-new album, “30”, it’s only a matter of time before more details about her divorce and her new relationship emerge.
Why a DIY Online Divorce May be a Good Option for You
DIY online divorce has all sorts of benefits. Not only can a do-it-yourself divorce save time and money, but it can also help reduce the stress and upset so often associated with long, drawn-out court battles.
Suddenly You’re the ‘Gray’ Divorcee! Now What?
You have now lived long enough to become more like yourself. So, whatever you want to do, do it!
Tips That Can Help Start a New Life After Divorce
Divorce is hard to deal with. That being said, there can be many ways to help make the process a little easier.
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