They may try to manipulate the situation to their advantage, making it difficult for the other party to get what they want out of the divorce. They may also become hostile and aggressive, making it hard to have a civil conversation.
conflict resolution
3 Ways to Compromise During Conflict in a Stepfamily
Second marriages can pose more challenges than first marriages, so it’s essential that remarried couples develop a “we’re in this together” mindset.
Divorce Mediation: How to Solve Complex Divorce Issues
The path of divorce mediation may not a suitable path for every divorcing couple. However, if divorce mediation is the chosen path, here are some items to consider when discussing complex issues.
Halloween For Divorced Parents Can be Scarier Than a Horror Movie
Some parents dread Halloween worrying about fighting with their ex, splitting time with them, or missing out on Halloween altogether if it isn’t their year.
How to Manage Disagreements Effectively When Co-Parenting?
If you’re going through a divorce, you’re probably wondering how you can effectively co-parent with your former spouse. After all, divorce can be a difficult and emotional time for everyone involved.
6 Ways to Cope With Being Triggered in Intimate Relationships
As humans, we develop coping mechanisms to avoid pain, but sometimes we sabotage our relationships when our immediate reactions to triggers don’t lead to the desired outcome of more loving interactions.
Why You Should Go to Therapy During Your Divorce
Divorce inevitably leaves individuals to sift through a barrel of complicated emotions. It is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed, stressed, lonely, angry, or even guilty when processing a divorce. Left in isolation, these emotions can be confusing and misdirected if they go unaddressed during this transition.
The Real Story Behind “Marriage Story”
Rich or poor, the currency is communication. The challenge is to hire a divorce professional (or team) to help get you to the finish line while preserving dignity, civility, and the priceless co-parenting relationship.
Kid’s Clothes and Divorce: Dirty, Clean Mixed With Dirty, or Missing!
They either come back, dirty, clean mixed in with the dirty or, missing. How I solved the kid’s clothes and divorce saga.
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