Tsunami. Earthquake. Floods. These major natural disasters are often used to speak about the depth of emotions you feel at any stage of a divorce. Just when you think that you have worked it all out, you get hammered by the opposing attorney, or an off-handed remark your child makes about really liking your ex’s […]
Divorce Advice
6 Excuses for Not Hiring a Divorce Financial Professional
So, you’re beginning to believe that you need a divorce financial professional. However, you’re just not making it happen for yourself. Read and see why.
Score Yourself on the Four Levels of Love
When I was working towards becoming certified as a divorce recovery coach, one of my favorite parts of the education process was a simple, yet profound understanding of the different types of love taught by my mentor, Tony Robbins. The reason why it was so important to me, and I hope to you, is because […]
5 Ways to Make Time for Yourself When You Have Full Custody
Making time for yourself when you have full custody can be one of the biggest challenges of being a single parent. Don’t forget to make time for yourself!
The Breaking Point: Why Do Women Initiate Divorce More Than Men?
According to a 2015 study, women initiate 69% of all divorces. So why do women initiate divorce more than men?
How to Minimize Spreading the Divorce Virus
Divorce is such a stressful time in our lives that we naturally reach out to loved ones for support. As soon as the option of divorce comes up between the couple, one or both reach for their phones and start debating the “what to do” aspect with friends. Everyone weighs in with their opinions and […]
The Effects of Spousification on a Child
Divorce is probably one of the most traumatizing experience in many children’s lives. Parents are often unaware of the emotional burden most children bear, especially those parents who are involved in a nasty, prolong custody battle. Children of divorcing parents often struggle with fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and overwhelming pain of pending loss. Often confused as […]
4 Steps To Take When Divorce Is Inevitable
If you believe that your marriage is on the rocks, or that your spouse is planning a divorce, it is essential to have a plan to protect yourself and make sure your family and your future will be secure. First, get your emotions in check, and curb your impulsive reactions so that you can properly […]
Social Media and Divorce: A Dangerous Combination
Technology and social media have changed all aspects of our lives, and divorce is no different. There are both legal and emotional reasons to be cautious of social media during divorce. I’m not saying you have to be completely unplugged, as appealing as that may sound at times, but to be aware of potential consequences […]
How To Stop Change From Occurring in Your World
Someone recently told me they are sick of the self-help gurus that perpetuate the need to grow, change, and constantly evolve into a higher version of themselves. Why do they always have to be the one to do the changing and adapting? Why can’t their ex do some soul-searching and examine their own destructive patterns? […]
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