Your primary residence is likely your most valuable asset. These are questions you should ask about your home before finalizing your settlement.
Divorce Advice
How to Introduce a New Partner to Your Child
I am so frequently asked about the best way to introduce a new partner to your child after divorce. There is no perfect way, but there are guidelines that can make the introduction easier. Children of divorce have experienced loss. When their parents split up, even if they have joint custody and see both parents […]
Your Credit Report: A Must-Have Divorce Document
Your credit report: an easy way to create a list of all individual and joint credit accounts.
Step 5 in Preparing for Divorce: Back to the Financial Assessment
When I got divorced, all I wanted to do was spend my mental energy on healing and becoming whole again. However, I knew it was important to think about my finances. What I eventually realized was that becoming self-empowered over my finances was part of the healing process. I decided to take a step back […]
I Want a Divorce: 5 Tips to Act on Your New Year’s Resolution
If you waited until New Year’s to tell your spouse you want a divorce, but have yet to find the strength to do so, here are 5 tips on how to follow through.
Love Again: 6 Real-Life Tips for Dating After Divorce
Infidelity, separation, divorce—they can tear you apart. You might doubt whether you can fall in love again. In hopes it’ll help you, I’ll share what I learned after my marriage fell apart. Though I’m not a relationship expert, experience can be the best teacher. I had been married for 32 years and was hurt to […]
WATCH: How to Create a Life You Love
Bonnie A. Sewell, CDFA, discusses how to create a life you love, including the things you need to consider in order to move on from the past and start creating the future you want.
Dear (Newly Divorced) Me: A Letter From Your Future Self
Dear (New Divorced) Me, Yeesh girl, you have been through quite a storm! But, you made it out of eye of the hurricane and, believe it or not, your world remains intact. Yes, it looks a bit different than it used to. Some of the people and places have changed; others have remained. The overall […]
6 Tips for Negotiating a Fair Divorce Settlement
In divorce negotiations, who gets what asset can be the most difficult part of the whole process. People sometimes have the winner-take-all mentality, which leads to prolonged divorces. Negotiating is like a dance. One person takes a step backwards and the other one goes forward. The partners move in sync and sometimes apart from each […]
5 Tips to Navigate Valentine’s Day During Divorce
Holidays during separation and divorce can be difficult. Valentine’s Day, in particular, when the world would have you believe everyone else has someone to love, has unique challenges.
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