Here are some words of wisdom and experience I failed to listen to after my divorce. “Take a good look at your present lifestyle. Admire it. Praise it. Give it the love. Then, kiss it goodbye.”
Divorce Advice
Get Leverage when Negotiating with a Narcissist
Gaining leverage when negotiating with a narcissist is the only way to come out unscathed.
8 Surprising Ways Divorce Affects Health and Wellness
Divorce is synonymous with overwhelm and not only due to the details of reaching a settlement. Collateral damage often occurs in divorce’s impact on a person’s health and is often neglected. It is something that might not even be a consideration, but must be one.
Divorce Narrative: What is yours and why does it matter?
All of our narratives play an important role in shaping our behaviors and relationships moving forward.
5 Reasons to Have a Lawyer Review Your Do-it-Yourself Divorce Agreement
Even if you and your spouse have the best of intentions and full financial disclosure, there are several reasons why a family lawyer should review your do-it-yourself divorce agreement before you sign it.
Gray Divorce: Is This The New Divorce Trend?
Take this as an opportunity to live out your very own passions and desires. Be selfish. You are no longer a “we and us” but a “me and I.”
How Do You Know It’s Time to Call It Quits and File for Divorce?
Like a rollercoaster, all marriages have their ups and downs. One minute you’re flying high with excitement, the next minute you’re wishing you never got on the ride. So when is it time to call it quits and file for divorce?
33 Pieces of Divorce Advice from Divorce Magazine’s Facebook Followers
We asked DivorceMag’s Facebook followers for the most important piece of advice they could offer someone who is going through a divorce, and we received some great feedback.
Divorce Agreement: It May Not Seem Fair, But Going to Trial is Risky
Litigants in long-term marriages that are coming to an end face significant challenges when they want a divorce.
Should You Stay Together for the Children’s Sake?
Basically, when it comes to divorce and children, a parent should do what they know to be in their child’s best interest.
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