Going through a divorce during the holidays can turn a joyous time into a stressful experience. Follow these 3 tips to help get you through it.
Divorce Advice
8 Ways You Know It’s Time to Divorce
How can you be sure that it’s time to divorce? Here are 8 early warning signs that you may be heading for splittsville.
9 Things to Do to Prepare for Divorce in the New Year
Divorce is scary, I know. I also realize that divorce is not considered a friendly word. It makes you feel like a failure, like you are scarred, but I am here to help you think differently. Negativity does’t interest me as my goal is to help you move forward with confidence. Remember, in divorce, knowledge […]
The Importance of Having a Holiday Plan
Plan Ahead to Ensure that You and Your Kids Have the Best Holiday Possible
Taking Care of Your Own Holiday Needs
As they approached the holiday season, two women commiserated about their lives. “You know what we need?” Liz announced to her sister-in-law Maren. Both women had their stressors. “We need a girl’s night. Why don’t you—just you—come out to the shore, spend the weekend? We’ll shop in St. Michaels, a dog-friendly town.” Liz took her […]
Reasons to Be Thankful for the Sadness, Bitterness and Anger in Divorce
Divorce can actually help you learn a lot about yourself if you can find the reasons to be thankful during the holidays. Leave the anger at the door.
8 Tips on Celebrating New Year’s After a Divorce
New Year’s Eve can be the most difficult holiday to get through after a divorce, especially when people are paired off as if on Noah’s Ark. You may have gone out with your spouse to parties for the last decade or two and are at a loss what to do now. The first step is […]
Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?
Many times parents feel like it is their obligation to stay married “for the sake of the children” – but more often than not, that can actually lead to more problems and issues for the children. While parents may have legitimate reservations about exposing their children to a potential divorce, many studies are beginning to […]
5 Tips to Live the Holiday You Want This Holiday Season
I’ve done much research and writing on the topic of hiding anger. I’ve found that when you’re dealing with difficult people, perhaps you’ve actually collected these characters into your life because you haven’t been assertive enough. In other words, you have become a people pleaser. It’s especially difficult during the holidays season. Be determined to […]
7 Ways to Make Room for Spiritual Healing after Divorce
For many, divorce is a legal dissolution of a religious or a spiritual contract – which brings up feelings of guilt, shame, and a sense of failure. Here are 7 tips to help you heal your spirit after divorce.
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