Divorce has been called a battlefield – that may be true. But it’s also a very long walk. If you find yourself experiencing something more like a pilgrimage, then my advice to you is this: Be sure to surround yourself with real, loving support. Now you may say, “Of course my family is here for […]
Divorce Advice
What’s the Right Holiday Schedule?
Holiday time can be wonderful and it can also be very painful. It is a hard season to be without your children, and being divorced means that part of the time you are without your children. And the hardest thing is that you don’t even always know what they are doing! Both parents need to […]
7 Ways to Keep Costs Down During Divorce
Divorce has a way of pulling the rug out from under you, even if you are the one who initiated the divorce. The adversarial nature can cause the process to be extremely expensive, and there are usually no “winners” in divorce. Splitting one household into two only multiplies the cost. However, education, planning and rational […]
11 Tips to Simplify the Holidays
Holidays are stressful times with six weeks of excess, taxed budgets, and too much to do. If you’re separated or divorced, be careful of setting completely unrealistic expectations. These tips below have been excerpted from Surviving Separation and Divorce by Loriann Oberlin, MS. Your tree isn’t the only item that needs to be trimmed when you’re […]
The Impact of Social Media on Divorce
Every day I think that I have heard it all, and then there will be a new issue involving social media and my divorce clients. The “e” in e-mail stands for evidence. The following are some of my thoughts about this critical issue that impacts everyone who deals with divorce – from the divorcing couple themselves […]
Clearing out the Old and Making Way for the New When You Divorce
Divorce spells the end of the marriage, as well as making decisions as a couple. That is ground that is typically hard to navigate. Now you’re on your own, and with that comes freedom of choice and the opportunity to decide for yourself the things you want to do as well as what you want […]
I Want a Divorce! Dropping the Christmas Bomb
You’ve been considering divorce for months or even years; wait until after the holidays to tell your spouse. Here’s why.
12 Tips for Bringing Light Back to the ‘Hard-Knock’ Holidays
Spending the holidays by yourself after a divorce? Here are 12 ways you can keep your spirits up just in time for the new year.
How I Learned To Love Alone Time
Funny thing about divorce, I never knew how much I hated having alone time. Just lying in bed at night alone in my apartment on nights that he had the boys were so hard. I would either watch TV or read until I couldn’t bear to keep my eyes open any longer. I felt scared. Every […]
Who Are You After Divorce? 6 Steps to Claiming Your New Identity
After a divorce, many individuals ask, “Who am I now?” Follow these steps to finally having a positive outlook on life and claiming your new identity.
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