Based upon my own journey through divorce, book research and work as a therapist, I say with certainty that those who are separated often crave validation and companionship to stave off loneliness. They often desire affection – especially after cold marriages without it – and sometimes, they desire just that…desire. These feelings are completely normal, but what […]
Divorce Advice
6 Tips for Divorcing During the Holidays
Issues surrounding divorce are difficult enough at any time of the year and only intensify during the holidays. It’s like a cosmic collision of high-stress and ultra-stress, with you in the middle. If your divorce is in process and the holidays won’t wait – and they won’t – here are six helpful tips for getting through […]
How to Transmute Anger into Gold During and After Divorce
An intense emotional response, anger is a normal emotion that involves a strong uncomfortable and emotional response to a perceived provocation. Is your divorce-related anger healthy or unhealthy?
3 Steps to Successful Decision-Making as Co-Parents
I was speaking with a friend who told me that his ex-wife makes all the decisions regarding their son without consulting him. “She thinks she is the CEO of our child,” he stated. I had to think about that for a minute, as most moms who have primary physical custody tend to make most of […]
Dealing with a Bullying Partner During Your Divorce
Within the context of a marriage, bullying can take many forms. Verbal or physical abuse and violence are common forms of bullying that come under the umbrella of domestic violence. Less familiar is the concept of the divorce bully—often a partner who hasn’t previously displayed bullying behavior, but who during the course of a divorce […]
5 Facts About Divorcing a Narcissistic Psychopath
First of all, if you are divorcing a Narcissist, a Psychopath, or a Narcissistic Psychopath, keep your expectations low! Most people hear the word “psychopath” or “sociopath” and immediately think of a serial killer, callous criminal, violent rapist, or someone who’s completely deranged. (Learn the difference between a sociopath and psychopath here.) Much like autism, […]
Getting a Divorce in Your Underpants?
A startup company in California will soon bring the possibility of getting a divorce online to the masses (in California for the time being, with plans to expand nationally). The website was developed by an attorney that wanted to make divorce available through the internet at a low cost. While similar services are offered […]
Step 3 in Preparing for Divorce: Do it Now!
In this continuing series on preparing for divorce, there are some simple things you should do for yourself – not for the divorce – before the process begins. Before your divorce makes you entirely independent, take care of those nagging “must-dos” in your life that for one reason or another have been delayed. Take care […]
Taking the Fight out of Money Matters
It’s easy to understand why so many divorces turn into a long and arduous fight – after all, the premise of getting divorced is so often about arguments, mistrust, and misdeeds. But when it comes to the divorce process, approaching your divorce with the “fight still in you” often leads to a compromised resolution. Taking […]
Can My Child Choose Which Parent To Live With After Divorce?
Many times during the course of a divorce case a client will relay to me the fact that their child has expressed a desire to live with one parent over the other, and the parent wants to know how we can go about ensuring the children’s wishes are followed. Unfortunately, as is the case with […]
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