After a failed attempt at passing a flawed alimony reform bill in 2016, mainly due to an inclusion of a provision that would have created a presumption of equal timesharing between parents, the Florida Legislature is back now with what appears to another timesharing bill that would fundamentally alter how timesharing and parental contact would be addressed by Judges throughout the State.
Parenting Plans
Creating & Modifying Parenting Plans: Changes, Scheduling & Mediators
While parenting plans can be difficult to modify, here are a few things to consider regarding making changes, scheduling, and professional mediators.
15 Interview Questions to Ask a Divorce Lawyer
Here are the top fifteen interview questions to ask a divorce attorney.
Tech Tools to Help Stay Connected After Divorce
Divorced or separated, in today’s age it’s not uncommon for the kids to split their time between two different households. Fortunately for any parent or relative striving to keep themselves and their children connected, there are a myriad of tools and apps to help stay connected after divorce, no matter how far apart you may […]
4 Ways to Support Your Child’s Adjustment to Co-Parenting After Divorce
Competent co-parenting after divorce requires putting your child’s needs ahead of your own. Modeling cooperation and polite behavior – and never bad-mouthing your ex – will help your children heal.
13 Tips to Promote Healthy Stepparenting
The most difficult aspect of stepfamily life is parenting. Follow these tips on how to make the transition smoother for yourself, your partner, and your stepchildren.
Co-Parenting with a Vindictive Ex-Spouse
Divorce brings a whole new set of complications to parenting. Having to deal with an unreasonable or vindictive former spouse adds additional stress to the situation. It may not be possible to parent as a team, and that is okay. Having a detailed parenting plan lessens the need to keep going back and forth on […]
Co-Parenting During the Holidays: 5 Tips to Follow
Holiday stress can make co-parenting especially tough; use these tips to help smooth out the road ahead.
3 Things You Must Consider When Filing for Divorce with Kids
1. Research the differences between mediation, collaborative law, and litigation Filing for divorce is a monumental decision. There are new and improved ways of handling a divorce filing, and it’s up to you to research the various ways to dissolve your marriage in a way that makes sense for you and your family. For example, many […]
How To Change Your Time-Sharing Schedule: Factors To Keep in Mind
What worked for you then might not work for you now, when it comes to time-sharing schedules. Thankfully in family law, nothing is ever set in stone.
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