Does the parenting schedule play any part in assessing child support?
The parenting schedule does play a part in assessing child support – particularly if a case is a…
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The parenting schedule does play a part in assessing child support – particularly if a case is a…
Having legal custody in the State of New Jersey gives you the right to make all significant…
Excerpt: If one spouse has cash based on business and the other believes that not all income is…
If a party does not agree with the court’s final judgment, then within 45 days they can file a…
It depends on the family dynamic, the historical responsibility of each parent, and the needs of the…
If the spouse that is uninvolved in the businesses feels fairly confident that the financial…
Fair share is a loose term that has no real definition outside of what an individual believes that…
The term “litigation” is generally interpreted as divorcing individuals who are actually in…
99% of the cases settle. The reason people settle their cases is typically that they want to have…
If there is domestic violence in any matter, the first focus of the attorney-client contact should…
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