Divorcing your spouse and someone whom you believed to be the one is a difficult process, both emotionally and psychologically. Probably the last thing that is on your mind right now is your career path after divorce. There is no denying that you need to go through the divorce recovery cycle in order to heal and get your life back on track.
What’s more, returning to work might seem like an arduous task because what you actually crave is a career change. This is a grand step, but one that can be infinitely rewarding if you make sure to take your time to find your true calling. Here are five tips you can use to take on a new career path after divorce that will fill your life with happiness and purpose.
Tips on Discovering a New Career Path After Divorce
1. Discovering the New You
We grow and change as the years go by, and it’s safe to say that you are not the same person you were when you were married. Now that you are free to take charge of your life once more, you need to embark on a journey of self-discovery in order to find out who you are now, what moves you, and what things you truly care about in life.
You can start by making a list of the things that excite you, then a list of the things you’ve always wanted to do. Next, make a list of your values, skills, and expertise. Cross-reference these lists with certain vocations and analyze the long-term opportunities for employment, professional growth, and financial gain. It might seem like an overly analytical approach, but there’s nothing quite like discovering who you are by being honest with yourself and putting pen to paper.
2. Adopt a Growth-Oriented Mindset
Divorcing a person whom you used to love and cherish is an emotionally-taxing process, and chances are that it has shattered your confidence and your belief in yourself on a personal and professional level. This is why in order to choose a career that’s more fulfilling and rewarding, and embark on that journey with alacrity, you need to boost your self-esteem.
There are many ways you can do this, but it’s important to focus on yourself through mental and physical exercise. Don’t neglect the power of physical activity for gaining mental fortitude, for example, because adopting fitness into your lifestyle and building a better physique can help you fall back in love with the person in the mirror.
Once you have embraced healthy habits, you can start adopting a growth-oriented mindset that will inspire you to welcome any challenge and pursue a fulfilling career. Most importantly, this mindset will give you the courage you need to embark on an entirely new career path.
3. Helping Others to Help Yourself
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the modern lifestyle in a big way, and it has put millions of people around the world in grave danger. The healthcare systems around the world are in dire need of medical professionals and especially first responders with unique skills to tend to patients in severe conditions. With all of that in mind, perhaps now is the time to embark on a career of helping others by getting certified as a cardiac life support professional.
You can get certified and recertified in ACLS online easily nowadays, and receive the training you need to start helping those who have suffered from the virus the most, particularly critical patients with cardiac issues. This is a great way to enter the world of medicine, find ample employment, and contribute to the fight against the pandemic – which is also a great way to find a truly fulfilling career.
4. Focus on What You Want to Do
Of course, there is no denying that you need to stay centered and calm during the COVID-19 crisis, and that you should only do the things you want to do, not what the world expects of you. If you find that helping others is your true calling, then let that feeling guide you. However, be sure to have an honest talk with yourself to find out what it is that you want to do as opposed to what you feel your family, friends, or society wants you to achieve.
5. Build Your Confidence Through Others
Lastly, another way to solidify your decision when choosing a new career is to get in touch with experienced professionals from that field. There is nothing quite like getting an experienced perspective and an honest opinion from a person who has seen and done it all in a particular industry, and it’s a great way to finally embark on this journey with confidence and zeal.
Wrapping Up
Going back to work might be the last thing on your mind, and that’s probably because you’re ready for a career change after your divorce. Use these tips to find your true calling and set the stage for a happier, more fulfilled life.
Lauren Laporte is a health writer at ripped.me. Her favorite subjects revolve around mental and physical health, and how they inevitably affect eachother. Inspired by mountains of research and the latest in the fields of nutrition, neuroscience and cognitive science, she’s motivated to inform people of just how much they’re all interconnected. www.ripped.me/author/lauren-laporte
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