The Divorce School opened on April 1, offering help to those considering divorce, separated, or already divorced in the form of podcasts and videos. Sessions are free, practical, and transformative, and topics range from legal to financial, emotional to recovery, stepfamily to children’s issues. Just register or login now, and you can attend as many or a few sessions as you wish. The Divorce School is open 24/7, so you can watch videos or listen to podcasts during your morning commute, while waiting to pick the kids up from school, while sipping your morning coffee, or before you turn in for the night.
Nine new sessions have just been released. Here’s a preview of the nine new reasons you have to visit The Divorce School right now:
- “10 Things You Need to Know About Divorce”, featuring family law attorney, arbitrator, and mediator Robert Stevens. This podcast discusses whether or not you should wait until the kids have left home to divorce; how much information about your divorce is too much to post on social media; what can make an amicable divorce turn ugly; the main issues couples fight about in a divorce; explain the qualities one should look for in an attorney; the pros and cons of mediation, arbitration, and litigation; how to plan for the divorce process; and how long a typical divorce process takes.
- “Litigation vs. Mediation: Which Should You Choose? (Part 1)” is a conversation with family law attorney and mediator Marta J. Papa, a.k.a. the Divorce Whisperer®. In order to help you decide which dispute-resolution process will work best for you, this session explores the main differences between litigation and mediation, including: what makes a divorcing couple ideal candidates for mediation; which cases are more suited to litigation; whether or not a couple can mediate some issues and litigate others; whether it’s possible to mediate complex or high-conflict cases; and finally, how to prepare for either mediation or litigation.
- “Child Abuse Allegations – From Both Sides”. Allison Williams – a family law attorney focusing on divorce and child abuse, neglect, and maltreatment – examines what determines child abuse; the best way to defend allegations of child abuse; how to keep the children safe; how a parent can gain access to the agency’s records; what happens when an investigation reveals no signs of child abuse; and what a parent should do if allegations of abuse cannot be proven in Court.
- “Divorce and the High-Net-Worth Client: Issues and Opportunities”. Veralynn Morris, a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® (CDFA™), offers guidance about the issues and opportunities that could impact your financial future during the divorce process. She explains the difference between marital and separate property; addresses the mistakes most commonly seen in the division of marital assets; details how to preserve inherited money or property; talk about the role that marital lifestyle plays in the division of assets and/or determination of alimony and child support; and offer viewers recommendations for high-net-worth clients seeking legal representation.
- “How Spousal Support Works”. A CDFA and the Editorial Director and co-founder of Divorce Magazine, Diana Shepherd offers a short video explaining how spousal support generally works, including: how payments are calculated; how long a spouse must pay it; whether or not the amount of spousal support can be modified post-divorce; and how to protect spousal support in case an ex-spouse dies or becomes disabled.
- “Parental Alienation: How to Detect, Prevent, and Overcome Its Effects”. Dr. Benjamin Garber – a licensed psychologist, former Guardian ad litem, and parenting coordinator – offers advice for what to do if you think your co-parent is trying to turn the children against you. Knowing what symptoms and behaviors to watch out for in your children will help you determine whether or not parental alienation is occurring, and which steps you should take to reduce the harmful effects on your children.
- “Two Stepmoms Talk about Love and the Blended Family”. Martha Chan, the Founder of The Divorce School, and Diana Shepherd share their experiences as stepmothers, explaining the secrets to making a blended family work. In this video, the two offer their best stepparenting tips, discuss the core of what can help to make a remarriage successful, and examine how to develop a good relationship with your spouse’s ex.
- “How to Help Children Cope with Divorce”. Terry Gaspard – a licensed therapist, author, and college instructor – examines common problems parents face when co-parenting after divorce. She provides useful strategies for co-parenting,
discusses the differences in how boys and girls handle a parent’s divorce, offers advice on parallel parenting after a high-conflict divorce, and advises viewers on how to handle long-distance co-parenting. - “What Your Child Really Wants You to Know”. Divorce and parenting coach Rosalind Sedacca identifies common mistakes for separated and divorced parents. She details some of the secrets to successful co-parenting, including a list of critical questions to ask yourself before making any decisions regarding divorce and parenting. In this video, Rosalind shares her own experience to help you take better care of your children before, during, and after your divorce. You’ll come away with useful strategies that will keep you on the right track: for the sake of your child, and your own sanity!
Note: You’ll be able to access all videos and podcasts once you’ve logged in – just visit the “Curriculum” page and you’ll see them all.
There are many more helpful videos and podcasts available right now at The Divorce School – and even more coming in May and June. So check back often to see what’s new before school closes down for the summer!
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