It depends on which side we’re on. If we have a business owner, typically the business will have an accountant that’s involved in helping the business owner prepare the filings and the scheduling for the business. That accountant is almost always made available to me in my representation of the client.
If I represent the spouse who may not have an interest in that business or may not be involved in the business, it’s entirely possible that we won’t have access to that business accountant. In that case we’ll make a recommendation or two as to people that the spouse might be able to utilize to provide assistance to the accounting standpoint. We’ve got a team of people that we customarily work with here. We’ll make those introductions. These people are forensic accountants so they get up to speed very quickly. They’re used to the kinds of issues we’re presented with in divorce cases.
Even though the client may not have had a pre-existing relationship with an accountant, we can take care of that very quickly and it really doesn’t present any kind of an obstacle to the representation of that person.
Chuck Roberts is family lawyer at Momkus McCluskey Roberts, LLC, one of the largest law firms in DuPage County, Illinois.
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