Advice for divorcing parents is particularly beneficial at the start of a new year. The new year is an opportunity to start fresh and look forward to all that the upcoming months have to offer.
That being said, this time of year can also be a particularly difficult period for families in the midst of a divorce. This is why it is important for divorcing parents to seek out advice during this difficult and emotional time.
Divorces are stressful and emotionally draining for all parties involved, but especially traumatic for children, so it’s vital to do everything you can to ensure that their needs come first. In this post, we’ll offer advice for divorcing parents in the new year and what parents can to do prevent hostility during the process.
One vital piece of advice for divorcing parents is to make a joint effort.
A divorce is one of the toughest things a family can endure. For children, the most damaging aspect is witnessing the demise and fallout of their parent’s marriage. This is challenging for a child to handle at the best of times, but dealing with hostility at home can negatively impact the relationship a child has with their parents.
To maintain a healthy relationship with your child, using a united front is essential. Shield them from much of the bitterness and hostility that goes hand-in-hand with divorce. Making a joint effort reassures them that although their parents are breaking up, they still have a stable family unit for support.
Both Parents Are Entitled to Quality Time
When two parents get divorced, parenting, in general, can become less straightforward. One aspect of divorce that tends to cause the most unrest is deciding the terms of visiting and living arrangements. It’s important to recognize that both parties are entitled to spend quality time with their children,
Establishing a timetable or specific system for joint parenting can be a huge benefit, as this allows everyone involved to fully grasp where they stand when it comes to child access. Every family is different, so it’s difficult to suggest one rule to suit everyone, but the child should always be the top priority. Leave your emotions and ego out of it.
Post-Divorce Parenting is a Joint Effort, Not a Competition
Following many divorces, the children end up living with one parent, while the other has scheduled access. If a decision is yet to be made about which parent will be the primary caregiver, it can create a sense of heated competition between the parents until it is settled. If this should occur, it can be an ugly scene that’s rife with bickering, hostility, and an immense amount of pressure on any children involved.
All decisions during and after divorce should be made with your child’s best interests in mind. Unfortunately, this won’t be the case if egos, pride, or hostility are the driving force in the decision-making process. Divorce is extremely difficult for children, and putting them in a position where they have to choose between their parents causes unnecessary stress and emotional trauma.
Seek the Guidance of Your Family Lawyer
The number one piece of advice for divorcing parents that professionals give is to seek the guidance of a family lawyer as early on in the divorce process as possible. When it comes to any legal matter, your first step should always be to speak to a divorce professional. Not only will they assist you with the nitty-gritty technical aspects of a divorce, but they can provide sound advice based on years of experience.
While it’s not your divorce solicitor’s job to play the role of a referee, they will be able to offer their own insights and assist you with any legal matters that occur prior, during, or after the divorce.
Clayton Miller is a founding partner of KMJ Solicitors, a reputable and sought after family law firm in London. He has more than fifteen years of experience as a specialist family lawyer, which includes divorce and separation, prenuptial agreements, cohabitation law, and offshore trusts.
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