High-asset couples typically use mediation almost more than anyone else. They really want to have private solutions to their divorces. They typically have very complicated assets, which they understand, perhaps, much more than your typical family law judge. A family law judge is going to have mostly low-income people coming through the courthouse and may not have the sophistication to really handle a high-net-worth case. These types of families do mediation quite a bit. They want to keep it out of the court’s hands and they want to keep it private. Typically, they have the ability to pay the support that’s necessary. They understand their assets, and they’re really good about being able to resolve their divorce case through mediation.
Laura Schantz, a Beaverton divorce and family lawyer and mediator has helped clients find creative solutions to complex financial matters involving asset division, spousal support, and child support. To learn more about Laura Schantz and her firm, visit www.oregondivorceattorney.com.
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