My husband and I are considering divorce. I think we need to get professional help together in order to resolve our issues, but he says he’d rather get a divorce than go to counseling. We don’t have children, and he says I should move out. However, I’d like to keep the house. If I decide for sure to move ahead with the divorce — and I think I will — how should I handle it? Dear Wondering, I have been divorced from my ex-husband for six years now. I gave up all my rights to marital property and moved 900 miles away to escape him, but he still continues to harass me through his lawyer. He has been remarried for four years now and has a child with his new wife. He tries to find out about my life from friends and acquaintances; how can I make him leave me alone? Dear Desperate, My boyfriend of three years and I have a committed relationship but no plans for marriage. We are in our 50s and have both been married before. I recently found a personal ad he had submitted to a newspaper. It made me feel hurt and betrayed. I have not discussed this with him. Is this my red flag to end this relationship? I have been happy and contented and I thought he was too. What should I do? Dear Mad, Three weeks ago, my husband of ten years came home from work and told me our marriage wasn’t doing well and that he wanted to move out and be alone. He said that he had been thinking about it for a long time. My shock and devastation were beyond words: I thought we had a good marriage! It is quite clear that communication was a problem! I begged him not to do this because I loved him and wanted to give our marriage every chance. I offered marriage counseling as an alternative, but he refused. He told me that he hasn’t loved me for five years and that he isn’t involved with anyone else. My heart is broken, and I am at a loss for what to do at this point. Should I try to win him back or let him go? Dear Heartbroken, |
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