Getting into a relationship with someone who has kids can be a tough job, and building a bond with stepchildren is extremely important for a harmonious life together. A stepparent’s struggle to find a balance as a new authority figure in the family can be complicated. A stepparent wants to build a bond with their stepchild, but not at the cost of replacing the other parent. There are many ways you can develop a close bond with stepchildren. For instance, you can go hiking with them or do some fun activity together which interests the both of you. Doing these things will help you form a bond with them.
Here are some ways you can bond with stepchildren.
1. Don’t Rush.
Stepparents can sometimes try to make things extra expressive when it comes to their new family, but this is not the right way. Too much involvement in the lives of your stepchildren may make them feel overwhelmed. Start by simply building a cordial relationship with your stepchildren to gain respect from them. It’s better to think and then move forward. Hence, don’t rush!
2. Encourage Frankness.
This is a great to way overcome a stepparent’s struggle. You have to let the stepchildren know that they can express their feelings and insecurities with you. Try not to push them to express their feelings, but just be open with them. Let them know that they confide in. This will help will build your relationship with your stepchildren in a healthy way.
3. Be Considerate.
When it comes to your stepchild, you have to make sure that you do not seek to replace his/her parent. Focus on creating a new relationship with your stepchildren. To bond with them, simply be yourself and take the time to get to know them better. Let them spend some special time with you.
4. Plan With Your Partner.
Open communication with family is definitely something that you and your spouse will need to work on. You will need to make joint decisions regarding the family. You should also be mutually supportive of each other. Make it clear to the children that you are running the family together.
5. Allow Your Spouse To Discipline.
Avoid being the one who disciplines the children. Let the other parent handle it. Before you can start to discipline them, you have to earn their trust. It is one of the major parts of stepparenting. Despite that, you need to assure that you are there when the disciplinary rules are set for the child.
6. Maintain A Playful Relationship With Your Stepchildren.
Share your interests and hobbies with your stepchildren. Remember to be patient and persistent if he or she does not immediately involve you in their life. It takes time for children to get adjusted with stepparents, so let them take their time.
7. Give It Some Time.
Even if you do not hit it off with your stepchildren at first, you can still work on it. Realize that love often comes with time. So, the best way is to give them that time. Allow them to go for outings with their parent. This does not mean that you are taking a backseat.
8. Maintain A Sense Of Humor.
Humor is a great way to deal with stepchildren. Don’t take things too seriously, and always be active enough to have some fun with them.
9. Become Curious:
Get to know your stepchildren’s talents, interests, skills, and hobbies. You can start by sharing your own interests with them. If you feel that you both have a similar hobby, go ahead and show them how to improve their skills. In short, become interested in their hobbies and make the most out of the time that you spend with them.
Wrapping Up
It is not that tough to develop a great relationship and bond with stepchildren. All that you need to do is just keep these simple and sensible tricks in mind. You will end up living a happy life with your stepchildren and new family.
Lyla Morris is the founder & editor at Lylamorris.com. She also loves to write about parenting and health care tips. www.lylamorris.com
Great read, in my opinion mother is always play an important role in any children life. The things you describe here are good to understand kids and their mentality.
Thank You so much