Your former spouse drops the bomb: She’s getting remarried and moving out of state. Alternatively, you are the bombardier: You get the dream job you’ve always wanted, but it means relocating to the West Coast. What happens to the custody and visitation arrangements you so carefully and painstakingly worked out as part of your divorce?
Under Florida law, there are several factors the court considers when deciding if the primary residential parent may relocate with a child. The statute is very specific as to what notice must be provided to the non-relocating parent, and the possible consequences if the relocating parent moves with the parties children without giving the required statutory notice and getting the express written approval of the other parent, or a court order allowing said relocation of the minor child(ren).
Given the fact that every case is unique, you should speak with an attorney who is experienced in family law.
Stephen Holman is a family attorney in Pensacola, Florida, where he founded Stephen T. Holman P.A. Stephen has personal experience that the best divorce is one that protects your children. He has the proven courtroom experience to aggressively fight for your rights and defend your interests.
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