If Family Services is not involved in the case, we do create our own parenting plans in divorce cases through attorneys, parenting coordinators, mediation, etc. We can make safety plans for clients that have concerns – and the concerns don’t rise to the level of some sort of crime, but they are concerned about different things. Let’s say they don’t want the parents sleeping in the same bed with the child because the child is too old for that or there is a certain person in the family that everybody knows has issues and they don’t want that the child left around that person unsupervised. We can put those types of agreements into court orders without involving Family Services at all.
Laura Schantz, a Beaverton divorce and family lawyer and mediator has helped clients find creative solutions to complex financial matters involving asset division, spousal support, and child support. To learn more about Laura Schantz and her firm, visit www.oregondivorceattorney.com.
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