With or without a mediator, you still need to go to court to get divorced. Only a judge has the authority to grant a judgment for divorce. But if you reach an agreement with a mediator, you can incorporate that agreement into your divorce judgment and make the divorce process much quicker and simpler.
If you don’t reach an agreement with a mediator, you still have to go to court. The difference is, then you and your spouse will be fighting in court and probably paying lawyers to do so. The result is that you spend a lot more time and money in court, as well as a lot more grief and aggravation out of court.
Like it or not, at this point, those are your options.
Karen A. Covy, J.D. is a divorce attorney and family law mediator in Chicago Illinois. She is the author of When Happily Ever After Ends, How to Survive Your Divorce Emotionally, Financially and Legally.
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