Divorce is a profound, life-changing experience. It’s painful, it’s confusing, and it turns your world upside down. But at some point, it should be over. If it’s not – if the pain, anger, resentment, depression, or emotional confusion seem to go on forever – then you’re in the clutches of a divorce hangover.
A divorce hangover is an ongoing connection with your ex-spouse or former life that keeps you agitated or depressed, unhappy, and stuck in the past.
You deserve to come to peace with your divorce so that you can begin a new and richer life. To do that, you must first understand your divorce hangover.
Divorce Hangover: Pain That Won’t Stop
Jan thought her divorce was over when the judge’s gavel swung down and the decree was final, but months later she was still crying herself to sleep.
She thought the pain and frustration would end when she received the financial settlement, but she still caught herself lashing out for no apparent reason at the children and strangers. There were days when her emotions, her finances, and her life seemed completely out of control.
Later, she thought the anger and resentment would finally end when she moved to a new city…when she began seeing someone and remarried…when her ex-husband, Tom, remarried and had a child.
But the knot in her stomach still hasn’t gone away, even after eight years. She still finds herself replaying the marriage and divorce over and over in her mind, and often feels angry, depressed, or victimized when she thinks about Tom. Sometimes it doesn’t take much to set her off – a wedding invitation, parents’ night at the kids’ school, a Fourth of July picnic, anything that reminds her of all that she has lost.
For Jan, the emotional loose ends and unresolved bad feelings have become a habit. Ever since the divorce, she feels as if she’s living at only half-speed, or underwater. Her feelings about Tom and the divorce still control her life. So much of her attention and energy are focused on the past – which she can do nothing to change – that she sees even her new marriage to John through the filter of this “failure.”
Jan’s “hangover” has little to do with external events like signing the final papers or starting to see other people. Rather, it is an internal state of mind that she carries with her everywhere as a shield against the loss, change, pain, and devastation of her divorce – and the fear that something even worse could happen in the future. This shield, which is keeping her from moving forward with her life, is a divorce hangover. And Jan is not alone.
Divorce Hangover Scenarios
Does any of these situations sound familiar?
- Seven years after the divorce, Fran calls her ex-husband’s new wife, Isabella, and shrieks into the phone, “Give me my husband, you bitch!” Robert, now Isabella’s husband, passively sits by, refusing to get an unlisted phone number, thereby causing a rift in his present marriage.
- George has been divorced for three years and is happily remarried, but he continues to pay for his first wife’s subscription to TV Guide.
- Stacy continues to drive the old Mustang that she and Rick shared when they were married, even though she can afford a new car. Each time it breaks down, she calls Rick immediately, convinced that he is the only one who can fix it.
- Jennifer, 10, tells her mother “all kinds of things” after weekends with her father, particularly about his “rotten new girlfriend.” She will do anything to keep her divorced parents “together,” even if their only connection is arguing on the phone.
- Two years after his divorce, Ed is still living in the same small apartment, complaining about the unfair financial settlement. He bitterly claims he doesn’t have enough money to date and spends his energy bad-mouthing his ex to anyone who’ll listen.
- Allen’s ex-wife, Judy, has been living with her boyfriend ever since their divorce four years ago, but he still thinks she will one day come back to him.
- Mary “accidentally” packs dirty clothes for the children’s weekends with Dan, remembering how much he always hated to do the laundry.
- Bart is convinced that the only reason his ex-wife isn’t marrying her “live-in” is that it would end his alimony payments to her.
While the legal process of divorce is fairly simple – one entity is divided into two separate entities – the emotional experience of divorce can be complex and devastating. When a divorce does not promote healing and lay the past to rest, you feel the pain and paralysis of a divorce hangover. A divorce hangover is the unfinished emotional experience of the divorce.
When you have a divorce hangover, life is a battlefield – and unfortunately, you and the people in your life are often the worst casualties. Anger, resentment, bitterness, depression, and frustration can also cause physical illness if you keep them around for long periods of time. Ultimately, you only hurt yourself with vengeful or bitter thoughts and actions.
Recognize your Divorce Hangover
Recognizing your divorce hangover is the first step towards healing the pain. You’re in the grip of the divorce hangover if:
- You still have strong emotional ties to your ex-spouse. These ties may be negative. These ties may be negative – a confusing, chaotic storm of anger, depression, bitterness, fear, resentment, guilt, blame, anxiety, or frustration – but they still keep you connected. You get upset when you think of your ex-spouse or hear his or her name, even bursting into tears if something reminds you of that person. You think about what you could do to get back at the other person, or what you could do to get him or her back.
- Your energy is galvanized by these feelings; sometimes, they’re the only things that get you going or keep you going.
- You feel victimized by your ex-spouse, the lawyers, or the divorce in general. You want your ex-spouse to be punished, to suffer for all he or she has done to you… or you just want to crawl under a rock, letting the world go on without you.
- You think obsessively about your ex-spouse. You wonder who he or she is seeing; what sex is like with that new partner; how your ex-spouse looks now; what he or she would think of the person you’re seeing; what it would be like if you got back together; and whether there was something you could have done to avoid the divorce –or you look back in anger, preoccupied with what your ex-spouse did to you or what you’re going to do to him or her.
- You see him or her more often than necessary. You could have called a plumber to fix the faucet, a decorator to arrange the living room furniture, your mother for a recipe, or a financial advisor about buying this or that stock – but you didn’t. Instead, you called your ex-spouse. You could have handled that matter with the kids or the finances over the phone, but instead, you met for cocktails.
- The past seems more real to you than the present.
- You still feel as if your life is on hold.
These feelings can be conscious or unconscious, explosive or subtle. If they focus your attention and energy on the past, or if they make you angry, anxious, depressed, or wistful about what might have been, then they are not healthy. As long as you are still emotionally engaged and entangled with your ex-spouse in these ways, you can’t live in the present or move forward into the future.
The divorce hangover doesn’t discriminate. It can affect anyone, regardless of sex, social or financial status, or even who initiated the divorce. And it doesn’t matter how long ago your divorce happened. If you still think about it or about your ex-spouse in emotionally charged ways, if your fists clench or your body tightens when you hear his or her name, if that former life is as real to you as your present life, then it’s time to stop and take stock of where you are.
Healing Your Divorce Hangover
Everyone experiencing divorce is held in a maze of devastating emotions. The one that seems to be the most shattering and the hardest to endure is loneliness. The fear of being alone has held many in intolerable marriages.
Friends and clients alike speak of the loneliness of divorce and afterward. “I have been divorced for 15 years,” one said. “The pain is as sharp and exhausting today as it was the moment the whole thing began. Maybe even more so.” In order to escape, anything is preferable – running to relationships, bad or good; alcohol; drugs; work – to numb the pain.
You can cure your divorce hangover. It may take some patience and attention, but the most important ingredient is your own desire to be free of the hangover.
The emotional tailspin of a divorce hangover is fueled by feelings of anger, depression, confusion, and loss of control. It’s a vicious circle. As long as you are in an emotional tailspin, you are motivated by fear – and fear feeds the tailspin. Before you can do anything else, you have to stop that downward spiral.
It’s hard even to do grocery shopping or walk across the street when you’re in an emotional tailspin. You’re at the end of your rope. One more question from the kids, one more bill in the mail, one more harsh word from your boss, one more “chance meeting” with your ex-spouse’s new partner, and you’re going to lose it.
Tailspins don’t stop by themselves; you have to pull yourself out of them. At some point, you have to reach out and consciously begin to manage your emotions. This will become easier to do as you begin to understand how the hangover starts, what keeps it in place, what yours looks like, what it’s protecting you from, and how you can release it.
The minute you start to consider those answers, you begin a mental process that pulls you out of the emotional freefall. At this point, you start to take charge.
Moving from feelings to rational thinking is the way to stop the emotional tailspin. If you can think about something, you can put it outside of yourself. You may still have some of those feelings, but they don’t have you.
Step 1 Exercises
- At the time of the divorce, which feelings hit you the hardest? Rank the following: anger, depression, anxiety, tiredness, fear, loss, helplessness, aloneness, bitterness, vindictiveness, feeling exploited, others.
- What are your feelings now?
- What caused and continues to cause these feelings?
- What can you do about each of these feelings?
If you’re in the process of a divorce now, these questions will be the basis for all your other decisions and help you avoid a hangover. If you’re healing a hangover, they will help you clarify what really happened in your marriage and divorce, why it happened, how your hangover developed, and what you can do about it now.
If you’re in the process of a divorce now, these questions will be the basis for all your other decisions and help you avoid a hangover. If you’re healing a hangover, they will help you clarify what really happened in your marriage and divorce, why it happened, how your hangover developed, and what you can do about it now.
Here are the key questions to ask yourself:
- Was your divorce inevitable?
- What was the cause of your divorce?
- What were your expectations going into the marriage?
- How long did you want it to take to get the divorce?
- What was your first priority in the divorce?
- What was the greatest benefit to you?
As you answer these questions, you’ll begin to see exactly how your divorce hangover took shape.
1. Was your divorce inevitable?
This is the first question you should ask; not asking it is a primary cause of the confusion surrounding divorce. If your divorce was inevitable, then at least you know that you’re in the right place. You can put to rest forever all the doubts, worries, fears, and second-guessing about whether you did the right thing. You did! There was never really an alternative.
This seems like an obvious question, but I know some very bright men and women who never asked it and spent the next 20 years wondering:
- “If I’d given in on that one issue, would we still be together?”
- “If he’d just stopped drinking, would the kids have had a father over those important years?”
- “Maybe if we’d seen a therapist, or if I’d just overlooked those two affairs, we might be happy today.”
This kind of backward, “coulda, woulda, shoulda” thinking keeps you trapped in the past. It can also keep you trapped in the present when it’s time to move on. In deciding whether or not to stay in a relationship, I’ve heard equally bright men and women say things like:
- “He just drinks because he doesn’t know what it is to be really loved. I’ll show him, and then things will be better.”
- “I’m sure once we’re married awhile, she’ll change her mind and want to have kids.”
- “If I’m patient with him, he’ll open up to me emotionally.”
These people were all walking into a trap, the false hope that maybe the other person would change. None of us would be divorced if it were possible to change other people into who we think they should be. Thinking that the other person will change is like dropping a pencil and expecting it to fall up instead of down. Things just don’t work that way. Rather than thinking about how things might have worked out, the question to ask is: “If the other person had never changed – and if I had never changed – would I still have wanted to stay in that relationship?”
As you were then, and as the other person was then, would it have worked? Answering this question eliminates all the false hopes, the self-delusions, and the “what if’s.”
Notice that the question is not “Did you want your divorce?” but “Was your divorce inevitable?” You know the answer. Face it head-on. If the other person wanted to leave, and especially if there was a third party involved, it probably was inevitable. If your ex-spouse was involved in something you couldn’t live with – alcoholism, compulsive spending, etc. – you may not have wanted the divorce, but it may have been the only real choice between two evils.
The inevitability of the divorce is your take-off point, the basic piece of information to which you can always return when you feel yourself waffling. Eventually, you must come to feel there was nothing you could have done then, and there is nothing you can do now to bring that marriage back. You must believe that any effort in that direction is a waste of time. Then you’ll see that the only direction to look now is ahead.
2. What was the cause of your divorce?
Some of the most common reasons people give for divorce are drug or alcohol abuse, sexual differences or preferences, infidelity, physical violence, difficulties with the balance of power, money problems, children, and in-laws.
But other, more subtle reasons have surfaced only in the past 30 years or so, as personal growth and fulfilling relationships have become more important in our culture. Today, we are less willing to tolerate stagnant or psychologically destructive marriages.
You may wake up one morning and realize that there is nothing there. You may feel you are in a cage and the walls are closing in. This situation can be psychologically punishing, and in many ways as damaging as being physically abused, even if it appears that the other person isn’t doing any intentional or tangible harm.
We are much more alert and sensitive to these kinds of issues today than we used to be. Before the revelations and revolutions of the 1960s, people were more inclined to stay married and turn to affairs, drugs or alcohol, prolonged absences, or whatever they could find to dull the pain of a marriage that wasn’t working. Today we deal with the issue more directly, and sometimes that involves ending the relationship.
Having differences doesn’t have to be a recipe for disaster. They can be worked out and this process can actually strengthen and enrich a relationship. But often when we feel that our needs aren’t being met, or that our desires aren’t being recognized and appreciated, we have a tendency to withdraw from the relationship, to stop loving or expressing our love as much. That makes the other person withdraw, and can eventually create hurts that are hard to mend.
3. What were your expectations going into the marriage?
We all grew up hearing about Cinderella and Prince Charming and may unconsciously hold these stories as life truths. Whether or not we are aware of it, some part of us may still believe that good, passive, beautiful girls get magical help to find eternal love with rich, handsome princes — or that brave, dashing boys who persevere always find gorgeous, angelic girls who become perfect, devoted wives.
Sometimes our expectations about marriage aren’t much more realistic.
Many women think, “I’m going to open up this strong, silent husband of mine. With me, his feelings will come bubbling to the surface and he will be saved.” This expectation is rarely realized. A common male fantasy is finding not only a replacement for mother but someone who is also a fantastic lover. Other common expectations are:
- “He’ll provide me with financial security forever; I’ll never have to think about money again.”
- “She’ll be the perfect wife who makes a beautiful home, anticipates my every need, and has a delicious dinner on the table each night. Our life at home will be perfectly harmonious, filled with lovely things and happy, beautiful children.”
- “He will bring excitement and adventure to my life; I’ll never be bored with him around.”
- “Sex will be absolutely fantastic all the time.”
- “Finally, someone who appreciates me enough to make my life easy and give me all the strokes I deserve.”
Knowing what your expectations were will give you a deeper understanding of why the marriage didn’t work, and where your resentments may lie.
4. How long did you want it to take to get the divorce?
If you wanted to get it over as quickly as possible and then found yourself in the midst of a long, drawn-out procedure, you probably felt frustrated and thwarted. Resentment or anger at the slowness of your ex, the lawyers, or the court may be part of your divorce hangover.
On the other hand, you may have wanted to drag the process out, hoping that you might get a more favorable settlement, make the other person suffer, or perhaps even get back together. If it went very quickly, you may still feel frustrated or upset. (If you hoped the divorce would be long and painful, you may want to examine your motives.)
If you’re in the process of a divorce now, tell the truth about how long you want it to take. If you realize that you want to draw it out, ask yourself why. If you want to complete it as soon as you can, talk to all the parties concerned and if possible agree on some dates. Be prepared to make some adjustment if your pace is very different. You’ll come out ahead in the long run.
5. What was your first priority in the divorce?
Your first priority may have been getting out of the marriage as quickly as possible, the well-being of the children, having the divorce be amicable, getting a good financial settlement, freedom, or whatever was important to you at that time.
Or, you may not have set any priorities at all and simply “winged it,” handling issues as they arose.
If you knew what your first priority was and you stuck to it, you’re less likely to have a divorce hangover. If you didn’t have a specific priority to guide your steps, or if it was thwarted, the results may have been brutal. You may have residual anger about things not working out the way you wanted them to, or not getting what you wanted out of the divorce.
If you’re involved in a divorce now, I can’t emphasize enough the value of setting your first priority for moving through this process. Your priority determines the answers to almost all the other questions that arise. It gives you a long-term goal and keeps you on track.
You’ll want other things from the divorce and it’s important to rank these lesser priorities, but there will be one thing you want above all else and that thing must be your focus.
6. What was the greatest benefit to you?
You probably weren’t thinking along these lines during the divorce itself, but by now you may have some perspective. You may be aware of some good things that have happened in your life as a result of the divorce, some benefits you’ve accrued by taking that step. Among the benefits that people often mention are:
- Increased sense of power and independence.
- Freedom to explore other relationships.
- Relationships with children that have become deeper through the adversity.
- Career changes that were difficult at the time, but have turned out to be beneficial.
- More flexibility to grow in individual ways.
- Lost 20 pounds.
No matter how difficult your divorce or severe your divorce hangover, it’s likely that something positive came out of the experience.
Step 2 Exercises
- Answer each cornerstone question according to your reality at the time of the divorce, and then according to your present reality.
- Make note of your feelings regarding these questions (helplessness, confusion, anger, loss of control, etc.). These are the trigger points of your hangover.
Divorce is devastating. It ranks as the #2 life crisis after the death of a spouse. Although divorced people experience enormous loss, they don’t get the support that society extends to people whose spouses have died.
The divorce hangover begins in response to the staggering losses and changes of divorce, and the fear of even greater losses to come. It’s important to understand exactly what you have lost. Remember, after divorce, loss and change occur for everyone – whether male or female and regardless of who initiated the breakup or how amicable the proceedings may have seemed.
What you Lose
Divorce affects every area of your life: relationships, finances, physical surroundings, personal identity, home, health, family, and social situation. The losses strike at the very core of who you are, how you see yourself, and how others see you, and they seem to go on forever.
Everyone experiences his or her own specific, individual losses; here are some of the most common ones:
- Loss of the relationship. No matter how bad it was, no matter who initiated the divorce, the loss is painful to both parties.
- Loss of financial structure and security. For some people, this means reestablishing credit, or a change in lifestyle. But for others, the economic loss can be devastating and become a matter of sheer survival.
- Loss of the children, or at least daily contact with the children. You may not get to kiss them goodnight every night. You may feel you have to work harder to make things perfect when you do see them. You miss out on the natural flow, the give-and-take that happens when families live together. Even if the children live with you, you must deal with loss when they go off for weekends, vacations, or holidays with the other parent.
- Loss of self-esteem and self-confidence. In our society, divorce is often mistakenly perceived as a failure, or even a sin. No one feels good about not making another person happy or not being able to make a relationship work. For many people, marriage is a way to define who they are and to feel likable, upright, lovable people with a place in their community. Divorce takes away that structure. Very few people have a strong enough sense of their intrinsic self-worth to say, “I’m still okay, I’m still me.”
- Loss of sex with that person. Sexuality is a large part of who we are. If sex was an important part of the marriage, or a part that escaped unscathed when the rest of the relationship fell apart, then this is a tremendous loss. If sex was only a habit, or part of a destructive power struggle, there was some payoff in that for you, and you’ve lost whatever the payoff was.
- Loss of someone with whom to share familiar daily routines, burdens, and experiences. After my divorce, I realized that it was always my turn to change light bulbs. Gardening had been my joy, but it became a chore when there was no one to help. There is no one with whom to share decisions, help with the kids if you’re sick, or talk about the day. You lose your date for social events, someone with whom to go places, eat dinner, and share a bed.
- Loss of friends. Some people may have seen you as part of a couple and are not interested in you as a single friend. You may even seem threatening to married friends.
- Loss of approval. As many divorces as there are and as much as attitudes have changed, a social stigma still exists. It doesn’t matter that in your efforts to grow, you simply discovered that you were in the wrong soil and were willing to go through the trauma of pulling yourself up and putting down roots in another, more nurturing place. Divorce is still against the social rules and, in a sense, you become an outlaw. It looks as if you can’t stick to your commitments, as if you have been a bad spouse and maybe even a bad parent.
- Loss of identity as part of a couple. You are no longer Mr. and Mrs., Sally and Bill. You are just Sally or just Bill. In places where the world moves two-by-two, this can be particularly painful.
- Loss of order, permanence, and predictability. Your world becomes ambiguous, unclear, uncertain, and you reflect these qualities. You don’t think you can count on anything and feel out of control.
- Loss of possessions. Old photos, the rowing machine, the blender, the house, the end table, the dog. Often the monetary value has nothing to do with the depth of the loss.
- Loss of “home.” Even if you get the house, it’s not the same home without the other person. This can be an especially difficult loss for men, who are not as likely to be “nesters” and to create another “home” wherever they are.
- Loss of power. In some social environments, there is also a loss of power or status in not being part of a married couple. Invitations may not be extended because you are single or because your spouse is the preferred guest.
- Loss of family – not just loss of being a family yourselves, but also the loss of the in-laws. Many people have strong attachments to their partners’ families. These relationships suffer in a divorce and are sometimes destroyed entirely.
- Loss of traditional holidays. Whether or not you have the kids, and regardless of how you celebrate or don’t celebrate holidays, you have lost the way it used to be.
Everything Changes
All of these losses have corresponding and equally devastating changes. The blank spot on a wall where a picture used to hang can be a daily (or hourly) reminder of the way things used to be. Changes in your schedule, a change in your name, changes in the way bills are paid – even these kinds of relatively minor alterations can be enormously upsetting. The larger changes can be devastating: a move to a new house or city, life without the children, massive financial upheaval, etc.
Not all the changes around divorce are negative, but all of them are hard. Human beings have a natural resistance to change. We almost always prefer the familiar to the unfamiliar, even if the familiar isn’t so great. A new job can be difficult and uncomfortable for the first few weeks, even if it’s a big promotion. A new house can seem strange, even if we needed and wanted to make the change.
It’s natural to feel disoriented, out of control, helpless, angry, or guilty in the midst of change. This is a time of grasping at straws. Your instinct is to try and get everything back the way it was as quickly as possible. When you can’t do this, when the losses and changes won’t go away, the frustration and pain are almost unbearable. Your very survival seems threatened, and this calls up a natural, primitive instinct to protect yourself. It feels as if the world has been turned upside down, and it has.
Taking Stock
In order to face your losses, you have to know exactly what they are. I asked Stan in a counseling session to make a list of how his life had been before the divorce and how it was now, after the divorce. His “Before” list included “house, yard, neighbors.” His “After” list read, “apartment in concrete complex, no yard, loss of financial equity and security.”
Then I asked him to make lists of how he felt before and after the divorce. The “Before” list was upbeat and optimistic: “self-confident, secure, emotionally supported, good sense of humor, future bright, part of a family and social group, intelligent, alert, strong.” The “After” list was a stark contrast: “scared, a failure, angry, hopeless, anxious, uncertain, bitter, alone, confused, unequipped to cope, helpless.”
Very few people have an accurate idea of what their losses and changes actually are until they sit down and start making lists.
Step 3 Exercises
- Make a list in a workbook of all the losses discussed in this article.
- Highlight the ones that have affected you most.
- For each loss, describe what you felt.
- List the changes caused by your divorce and your emotional response to each one.
- What were you most afraid would happen as a result of the divorce?
- Which of these fears were eliminated in the divorce settlement? Which are still present?
- How would you describe yourself and your life before the divorce?
- How would you describe yourself now?
Take the First Step
This hangover can be healed: divorce doesn’t have to be a permanent state of being, a condition that keeps you trapped in chronic pain or numbness. It’s the end of one phase of your life, and regardless of whether it was by choice or not, it can be the beginning of a happier, more satisfying one. By deciding to heal your divorce hangover, you’ll make a courageous commitment to yourself and your future. That’s the first step – and the most important one. The healing process can be a springboard to a whole new way of relating to yourself, to other people, and to life. Your success will give you the skills and confidence to handle anything that comes up. Some of the steps will be easy for you, and some will be more difficult and require more attention. Stay flexible, and stay vigilant.
This article has been edited and excerpted from Divorce Hangover: A Successful Strategy to End the Emotional Aftermath of Divorce by Anne Newton Walther, M.S. (Tapestries Publishing, 2001). As an outgrowth of her counseling practice, Walther identified the “divorce hangover” syndrome and developed a strategy for ending it. This book will enable you to put down your emotional baggage and move into new, healthy relationships – with yourself and others. www.annewalther.com
Cause of divorce – my selfishness. Good article..however this section comes with the assumption the other party’s to blame. How to reconcile your own mistakes ..I’m not so good at.
forgive yourself friend
I didn’t want a divorce, it’s interesting there is nothing in this article that addresses that.
There were things I’d have liked to change, but I thought our marriage was mostly good. I didn’t have unrealistic expectations (above list) but perhaps too low expectations? I’m still heart-broken and don’t really understand what happened other than he said he was “just unhappy”. I didn’t know what to do, in our culture if one person wants a divorce everyone says “why do you want to be married to someone who doesn’t want to be married to you?” So you become some kind of looser who wants to keep their marriage and since he doesn’t give a crap, trying to understand what happened, to trust anyone again, to get a sense of how one can protect ones self from heartache again is really hard to get to. I pray for understanding, God’s grace and healing.
I am sorry to hear about your situation, I am going through the same thing, she wasn’t happy but instead of discussing it she became distant and began to lie and cheat behind my back and once she found another relationship she wanted a divorce, I felt so helpless and not in control, I was forced to sell our new condo and had to move into a 100+ year old rental she moved to Texas to move in with the guy she cheated on me with, I am still here in the same small town because it’s close to my work, but I have never been the same I have been struggling with self care and just the basics of living, listened to adele hello from the other side and burst into tears, I dont shave much anymore, i don’t like looking in the mirror, everyday has been a struggle.. *sighs* I wish you the best God Bless!
Good article. A couple of comments:
1) The “What was your first priority in the divorce?” section seems to be written from the perspective of someone who initiated divorce. Those who didn’t have a completely different viewpoint and may not have wanted anything out of the divorce. Mine came as a shock, and me and the children were given three hours notice that my wife was moving 4 hours away for good. My priority was simply survival; I had to keep the kids sane, my business running (my wife worked for me), manage the household and deal with all kinds of requests from her lawyer – thousands of pages of documents (I made only one request, at the tail end of the process, and felt held hostage by my wife during the process).
2) Also, divorce is not the #2 life crisis. It is simply the number 2 life crisis listed on a fairly short list of unpleasant life occurrences from a well-publicized study done years ago. Divorce is powerful and devastating, but losing a child is more powerful even than losing a spouse (and that’s what we went through).
I’m so sorry. Having a child die can cause a divorce. God bless you.
why is this article mainly formatted to females do you not think men have feelings ?
Agree, I have been searching anywhere for some type of help or just something to read for me. Me being a male that lost in the divorce. I struggle still after almost 4 years. Before that, I had everything I needed, that being family. I am always tired, struggling with finances, work when my daughter isn’t with me, and just keeping my head above water. I wish there was more for the male perspective.
J – It’s the same perspective from either gender. I wasted most of my 30s [8 years] on a divorce hangover (starting at 30) because it wasn’t my idea, and it undermined everything I believed about myself, future, and him. Now at 54, I’m facing another divorce. This time, I won’t avoid counseling and live in the shadows of despair. We’re all broken – it’s not a gender thing. As a mechanical engineer, that sounds like my future: work until exhausted, go nuts talking to myself, do frivolous social events just to get out of the house, and work until I drop for fear of finances.
I say to you sir, watch the Eiger Sanction [movie], and get to the part where they say (hanging off a cliff), “Do you think we shall make it?” “No, but we shall PROCEED WITH STYLE.” I think volunteer work and prayer may heal some parts of my (your?) soul 🙂
If you don’t think this article applies to your situation, please read it again. There’s a lot of real healing there. Talk to someone. At this age, I’m not too proud to pay someone to bore them for an hour 😉
PS – I’m a supporter of the Men’s Rights Association. Many men do not get an equitable deal and become financial slaves for 20-years (miserable legal system: motivates unwed motherhood and induces slavery for the men). I’ll leave my husband what is his, and ‘fair’ must be as magical as unicorns because I’ll really take a bath being this agreeable… but it’s the price of peace.
I thoroughly enjoyed your article and found it very helpful and enlightening, I took my wife cheating on me behind my back and then her wanting a divorce to discover in therapy and self analyzation that I didnt have the greatest chidhood growing up and was suffering from childhood emotional neglect codependency, PTSD and fear of neglect/abandonment, baggage I unknowingly brought into the marrige and slowly chipped away at it, but I took me a while to come to terms with the fact that I did nothing wrong I was struggling/sick emotionally, my dad through out all my toys at a young age, then my sister though out my most prized stuff when I moved in with my wife, I lost a lot more personal items in the sandy storm flood, then had a fight before my wedding and stopped talking to my sister, a few years into my marrige my mom has breast cancer and passes away, I told wife I was fine but deep down I was hurting, I should have seen someone at that time, but part of being codependent means you are afraid to reach out for help or you feel you can handle things alone. I slowly became more depressed and distant and she just assumed I didnt love her anymore which wasnt true, I was struggling inside to love my self, so she started looking and dating behind my back, when she finally told me she wanted a divorce and found someone else my tailspin had begun, I even tried to go to work like everything was fine and found my self weeping/sobbing in the mens bathroom.. I had to check my self into a hospital to be treated for depression, months later on same day I signed my divorce papers I collapsed in my garage began shaking and breathing very erratically, I had a severe anxiety/panic attack and was committed to the pych ward once they realized I was already treated for depression and put on medications, anyway at least I now know what a divorce hangover is and now that I understand what the problem is I am able to begin healing and working on the solution, so thank you again for posting this very helpful article take care and God Bless
I was divorced due to my ex wanting a open marriage. When I told her I don’t do that I was served divorce papers 10 days later. Due to her total selfishness we lost everything. I did nothing wrong. She was so evil to me because of her selfishness.
This is all me!
After 20 years… omg the lies. I even got taken advantage of in court. The whole system took me down… she got the house half my retirement… I got only a 1/4 of hers . She’s going to retire like a queen.. I’ll probably half to work the rest of life…. so screwed.. I worked hard.. I’m probably going kill my self with anxiety or the anger will just get so crazy I’ll take my life
Hi Steve. I’m sorry to read this: Divorce Magazine was started to help people divorce without going bankrupt — financially or emotionally. I highly recommend that you find a local divorce support group where you can share your thoughts and feelings without judgment from other members, ask for advice from others who have “been there,” and find a way to move forward. Google “divorce support groups” and you should find several possibilities, depending on where you live. I hope you find a way to move past this and see that your life isn’t over. Who knows what the future holds for any of us, after all? Opportunities often arise when we least expect them — but we usually have to be looking for the good in order to find it…
I see his side I’m divorced it took 45 months she is still having a mid life crisis selfish self absorbed I have to work like I did when I was married like a dog 7 days a week my children are screwed up I’m still bitter and angry I’ve gone no contact but the reality is I’m a dead man walking I have no desire to do anything I feel spent
I feel the same way as you do Steve….don’t even want to consider the possibility of meeting any other woman for fear of getting screwed by another dishonest vile liar…
This article lists the consequences of divorce and then it says simply, “Take the first step – heal your hangover”. Huh? I get the impression that the author’s personal experience is limited to doing the research for the article. I’m 70, it’s been 26 years since we parted and, although I’ve been remarried to another woman for 15 years in a comfortable marriage, the hangover persists with vivid, melancholy memories of happier, passionate days gone by when we were young and naive. I’ve been told by counselors that some people never fully recover. I’m sure I’m one of them.
Ron – Thank you. I thought there was something wrong with me. I some ways, I still miss my first husband, and it’s been 25 years, including a 15 year marriage about to end. I don’t pine for him or anything, but those were happier days. It’s somewhat fashionable to say “recover and move on” (and we do), but that’s not to say it didn’t break something in me (like my innocent dreams and faith in marriage?)
Jennifer K. – I understand completely. I don’t pine for my ex either because I’ve grown enough to realize that we were a hopeless match from the start, though it took twenty years and two children before it became obvious. What I grieve to this day (still with tears) is the loss of what might have been but couldn’t possibly have been. I keep asking myself how I could have been so blind? It’s true what they say; love is blind – but it doesn’t conquer all. I really did love her though I’m not sure she ever felt the same toward me. I was an easy mark for her and she used me to get what she wanted for herself – which left me very confused, even before she left for another to use him in the same way, taking our kids with her. I think I must have been the most confused guy on earth during that time. Even now, an old, familiar song can stir those memories and start the water works flowing – even as I write this. How I wish she could heal whatever it is that troubles her because I’m convinced she’s never known true peace or real happiness – even with all of her academic accomplishments. That is my wish for her. I saw a recent picture of her and I hardly recognized her. You know, spilling all of this could be a form of therapy for me, so thank you for the opportunity to express something so deeply personal. I need to blow my nose now.
It has been two years since my divorce. This artical describes every hard to describe emotion, that myself and especially others do not seem to understand. Loved it, And I will be getting this book for sure. Best wishes to everyone else out there trying to heal and deal!
I remarried my ex-wife within a year of the divorce. I’m now thinking that was a mistake. It was too soon to really think about the cause and effect of the divorce. It wasn’t infildellity. Two years after we were remarried I had anxiety attacks followed by depression. I sought out a therapist and began dealing with this new twist. As I’ve continued in therapy I’m seeing that getting back together happened too soon. I struggle daily with that choice. Divorce seeems to be a life scrambler for some and a gateway to bliss for others.
I am at the tail end of a divorve. 30 years of marrage. I called it quits when people began to email me photos of him with his girlfrield (10 years younger). He has had 2 emotional affairs and now 2 sexual affairs while we were married. I forgave him in the past, but I cant do it anymore. I took control, I filed, I got the attorney – he is now sorry, sad, etc. I offered to go to counseling with him, to figure out how we move forward (we will have to deal with each other since we have 2 children together). He does not want the divorce, but wont give up his girlfrield. I know I made the right decision. But I am struggling with the sadness and anger. When I speak with him it wells up and I lash out – then he says “bitter, table for 1” – which just pisses me off more! I have to control my emotions and think logically – its just so hard to do. The worst part for me is not having the person there to talk about how your day went at night. The loss of companionship, routeen, is difficult. Yes, I put myself into therapy immediatly, but it is still hard. I think the artlcle was spot on for me.
So sorry for all you are going through. Seeing a therapist is a smart move. Work through the hurt and pain allowing yourself the time needed to be whole again. There is new life after divorce. Hang in there!
The most important thing you can remember and tell your self, not only did you do the right thing but you did nothing wrong, he chose infidelity I am amazed how strong you are for dealing with his past indiscretions, you have nothing to be sorry for.. God Bless!
It’s a bizarre hopeless state….3 months after my divorce….30 years wasted, feeling I was used and discarded. I don’t ever want to interact with any other woman again…dogs a far more trustworthy.
I’m going through a divorce, after 13 years and 2 kids. He’s a diagnosed narcissist, so I had to realize it wasn’t me. He lied all throughout our entire marriage and he cheated. Not all men are like this (no matter how bitter I feel). You must heal yourself. Don’t take it out on the next person. I was a very loving and loyal wife, never even looked at another man. We are out there guys, and we also have gone through hell. Don’t judge us all bc of one woman’s vile ways.
Four years and counting, I ended a 20y marriage to my “best friend” ….bc of his adultery. His 2nd mistress is now his wife, living in what I used to call home. It is heartbreaking and confusing. What did I do or not do? Could I have done something – were there signs that I missed? Could I ever say “I do” again? Will anyone ever ask? ….I applaud you guys who’ve commented bc it helps to see that what I am going thru – the struggle – is not uncommon. But….it is better to be alone than to be in bad company. What we know changes shape and flies away and we are left to re-invent ourselves…it is a blank canvas and we are the painter.
This exercise was necessary and extremely helpful. It interrupted a moment of mental anguish, despair and sadness. I am so grateful for the internet and the work you do. Taking this day off because I was “sick, nauseas,” was really me being pointed in a direction for healing. I am awaiting the decree after having stood before the judge just a few days ago and feeling somewhat despondent afterwards.
I really enjoyed reading this article. It has shown me how to jump start my life again after my divorce. I thought that I was doing all of the things that a married man was supposed to be doing.
But I missed a few things that maybe I should have noticed. Thanks and best regards G
cause of divorce was an emotional affair but the affair did not happen till months after mother in law said she had lawer and i was going to be screw am i wrong
Very helpful article. I initiated my divorce after 36 years of marriage. It should be over in a few weeks – finally! 46 years of a relationship. I still occasionally struggle with all the emotions. I NEVER wanted my adult children to choose sides, but 2 have chosen my side and 1 chosen his side. 2 of them haven’t talked for almost 2 years now – due to another matter, but influenced by the divorce somewhat I’m sure. I left in 2013 and didn’t file until 2018. I put it off b/c he was suicidal – a lot. Sometimes used as a manipulative tool, but several times it was very real and even one of our kids had to deal with one of the incidents. He is bi-polar, a psychopath and narcissistic. Not to mention a chronic long-time cheater, alcoholic, physically abusive and the list goes on and on. I dated for about 6 mos and got tired of the fake profiles on dating aps. Filed for divorce April 2018 and met my soulmate 7 days later. I’m esctatic in love – he had a crush on me in first grade we were attracted to each other in HS. Been together for a year and a half and it’s a healthy relationship. We go back 55 years and are finally together. We carry baggage at our age tho. We try not have the automatic reaction so ingrained in us for so many years, but we’re still healing. I’m soooo glad I filed, but I’m of course concerned that my ex won’t survive this with his suicidal tendencies. Very emotional now and I find it hard to turn off the tears sometimes. I know if he doesn’t survive, it’s not my fault. I know that, but it still is hard to deal with. Thanks for listening.
Well I am just getting started on the divorce path, after 15 years I was told she always thought I took her for granted, and after going through the death of my mother (which sent me into a depression) and then dealing with bankruptcy (a year after the loss of my mother which sent me further into depression and self loathing) this year my wife tells me she wan’ts a divorce and that I need to move back to England – so in 3 short years my life has fallen to pieces. I am still surviving for the minute but I know it is going to get even darker before it gets any better.
Divorce is a life time loss. It affects every part of you. Healing can happen if you let it, however I will probably never get over it. It was innevitable I guess because he wanted to date men. He is now married to this man. He is unhappy. Divorce is worse than a death.
I came across this and all the comments and found it very helpful. I’m entering the end stages of a divorce of a 18 year marriage with two kids. i’ve felt depressed, crazy, lost, etc.. but reading these comments and the article gave me some perspective. one thing that i think is so hard is accepting that nothing is permanent. but really, nothing is.
Still emotionally connected eventho its been 3 years since we filed. I did the full cut off. Not speaking to him in person for 3 solid years after being married for 24. He had numerous affairs, lives with the last one that was helpful in the destruction of my marriage. Refused counseling, he wanted out and wanted me to do the dirty work to make him go. I refused, made him make the choice to leave his family and kids for his actions. Had he committed to getting help, get to the root of what caused his constant anger and infidelity, we may or may not have been able to stay married, but at least I loved him enough to help him get to the root and if it didn’t work out we could have divorced and been friends, as we have kids. After 3 years I asked for his forgiveness of me judging him for what he did, because I am not supposed to judge anyone. His reaction and acceptance of such put me back in a tailspin and he told me things he missed and regretted. Now, I am back to confused but know I did the right thing by filing when he would not work on our marriage and chose his affair over our family.
i am in a close situation, 24 years marriage. She just want divorce, i did. lost my house, business and my child. But I have to continue living and this article is really good. I just have to do the homework and be out. I have realized that thinking to much on the situation is part of the problem. Good luck to you.
Marriage is the same as playing Russian Roulette with half the cylinder loaded.
12 years together my wife wants a divorce. We have a two year old son. Its been 4 months and we still have to live together. She is being brutal, At three months she actively Started dating in front of me. Its so hurtful and disrespectful. She thinks it’s perfect fine and has a I don’t give an f attitude. Its very hard on me and my family and friends. But what can you do.
This article helps me. I (the guy) initiated the divorce because I always wanted a divorce . I felt I am dead at 45 years old when I am with her. Then she kept pushing the button so I finally left the house.
This article might not suite in every scenario because it is very hard to find a general solution to every circumstance but some the techniques here help.