The military doesn’t take adultery lightly. When that issue comes up, you want to talk to your attorney specifically about the circumstances and be aware that as a military spouse, if you are alleging an affair, if you do that within the petition and it’s made part of the public record, they could be brought under court martial. They could lose their rank, they could lose their job, they could even be kicked out of the military. As a spouse of a military person, you want to make sure that you protect your rights. Of course, it’s a horrible thing to have to go through an affair, but then also to have the person who is providing support for you not being able to provide that support because they’re no longer employed, that would hurt even more.
While there may be some places where it is appropriate to bring up that information, you want to be careful about disclosing it publicly. You want to tell your attorney everything that your attorney may want to use as information, obviously not for blackmail, no attorney would do that, but they may well use the information sparingly given the implications that they could have for the military spouse in their actual military role.
Ginger L. Dugan, a family lawyer at All Family Law Group in Tampa, Florida, has 10 years of experience in family law and handling complex cases.
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