Divorce date not so far and away
Cruise-Kidman divorce will become official next week.
Six months after the breakup heard around the world, the divorce of movie stars Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman will finally be official on August 8. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Lee Edmon has signed papers making the divorce final, although property and child custody issues between Cruise and Kidman won’t be settled for at least two months.
Neither actor was present for the July 31 hearing, in which Judge Edmon approved a request to grant a quick divorce, but both must attend court on the date the divorce becomes final. And ironically, both of them are expected to attend the August 7 Hollywood premiere of the new film The Others, which Cruise produced and in which Kidman stars.
Cruise filed for divorce on February 7 on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. His and Kidman’s versions of the split have differed greatly: while Cruise claims that they separated in December — just before what would have been their 10th anniversary — Kidman has said that Cruise did not mention his intention to divorce her until February 4, and that the announcement was a deep shock to her. According to California law, whether or not their marriage exceeded 10 years could mean a difference in property distribution and alimony decisions.
Kidman is currently starring in the hit post-modern musical Moulin Rouge. Cruise is reportedly dating Spanish actor Penelope Cruz and has recently completed shooting the upcoming science-fiction thriller Minority Report, directed by Steven Spielberg.
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