For the Divorcee, whose apartment or house size may be now at a premium, giving the appearance of an enlarged space is essential. Every visual aide in creating the illusion of a larger space counts.
The secrets behind making hallways and/or narrow passageways, look more expansive, are several. Usually this tunnel feeling occurs because hallways tend to be rather narrow, emphasizing the taller ceiling height. By dropping the ceiling, even if not originally very high, it will magically make the passageway look wider. This optical illusion occurs because as the ceiling drops, the side walls magically appear to be further apart. Gail Green is an interior designer whose firm Gail Green Interiors practices interior design, architecture and decorating. With a full understanding of the complex position a recently divorced person faces, Gail Green Interiors enables them to transition smoothly from one home to another, taking care of their decorating or renovation responsibilities. |
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