Some women approach divorce thinking that they will be awarded sole custody of the kids simply because they’re the mom. Unfortunately, these women can be in for a bitter disappointment or could be setting themselves up for a custody battle, because the notion of family court judges always rule that children should spend all or most of their time with their mothers is a mistaken one.
New Jersey family law is gender neutral. Both parents have the rights to be with their kids. When determining custody arrangements, judges will consider such factors as work schedules and participation in children’s activities. If you travel frequently for your work or work long hours, this may impact your parenting time schedule.
You must understand that your gender does not determine custody, but your ability to actively participate in your child’s life does. As you start to think about custody, a good strategy is to meet with your family law attorney to discuss your family situation and what arrangements can put your children’s best interests first and still protect your relationship.
Bari Zell Weinberger is the owner and managing partner of Weinberger Law Group in New Jersey. She is Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney.
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