Do you think a do-it-yourself online divorce service will work for us?
This particular fact situation brings up numerous complicated issues that make a do-it-yourself online divorce extremely dangerous. Valuation of the business and the dental practice is going to be an important part of your overall negotiations. There will be issues of legal decision-making and parenting time with regard to the children, as well as child support. The duration of the marriage and the fact that both spouses are working may indicate that this is not a spousal maintenance case and a much more thorough analysis would be necessary before any attorney could give an opinion. This is definitely not the kind of case that should be handled over the internet.
Robert C. Howard, partner of Jekel, Howard & Thomson, LLP, has practiced family law in Arizona for more than 35 years, with concentration on prenuptual agreements, divorce, paternity, and post-decree modification matters.
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