It has helped tremendously. By hiring a lawyer who has a fair amount of business experience to represent you in your divorce – both advising businesses, I sit on the board of directors of some businesses and represent some corporations in non-divorce context, and having a keen understanding of how the business climate works – can help tremendously when it comes time to, first of all, value that business enterprise in the context of a divorce, and then ultimately determine or make recommendations as to how we can divide it up, how we can protect the level of income and the standard of living that the family has enjoyed in the past when they used to have enough money to maintain one household. Now we’ve got to use that same amount of money to maintain two. Those are sophisticated, high-level considerations, and having a lawyer who has a good business sense in addition to being a divorce lawyer is certainly an added advantage.
Chuck Roberts is family lawyer at Momkus McCluskey Roberts, LLC, one of the largest law firms in DuPage County, Illinois.
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