Valerie Bertinelli, who became a household name thanks to her stint on the sitcom “One Day at a Time” and her marriage to renowned rocker Eddie Van Halen, is back in the news. She is following in Kirstie Alley’s footsteps with a high profile promo deal with Jenny Craig, and is in the midst of writing a book about her “how men and food” have affected her life.
What I find most interesting about Bertinelli, however, is how she has handled her very public divorce from Van Halen. Even though she could legitimately harbor animosity toward Van Halen after struggling with years of his substance abuse, she seems to have set aside any anger in the best interest of their son, Wolfgang. She and Van Halen have a model philosophy about how ex-spouses should conduct themselves when they have kids together. As Bertinelli recently told the TV program “EXTRA,” their secret is that “you have to love your children MORE…than you hate your ex. It’s that simple.”
The former spouses have agreed to take divorce one day at a time, making sure that their son’s needs are always top priority. The two even go so far as to regularly double-date with their new love interests so that they can continue to keep up a friendly, civil relationship.
WENDY JAFFE, Esq. is the author of “The Divorce Lawyers’ Guide to Staying Married.” You can get more of Jaffe’s advice and hear a podcast interview at, and you may also visit her website at
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