Valentine’s Day doesn’t hold much meaning for me, it hasn’t for years. It didn’t when married, it most certainly hasn’t as a single Mom.
During my marriage, my ex gave me cards that said things like, “Happy VD Day.” Romantic right? I guess you could say he taught me how to keep my expectations low when it came to romantic holidays and gestures.
When my children were younger I made the day special for them. Of course, we picked out Valentine Cards for their schoolmates and purchased chocolates for us to enjoy at home.
I had small heart-shaped cake pans and I would bake and decorate Valentine cakes every year for years. I’ve always figured if one doesn’t have a special love on Valentine’s Day they can distract themselves by showering the ones they love on that special day.
As my children aged they were less and less interested in Mom on Valentine’s Day and more interested in their latest girlfriend. By the time they were 14 and 15, my role in their lives on Valentine’s Day was to help with cards and gifts for their latest love interest.
And so, for the last 10 years, Valentine’s Day has been just another day to me. And, I’m good with that. Some might say that my Valentine’s Day is rather bleak. I say it’s whatever I choose to make of it. And, I’m good with it being just another day.
I’ve read many articles with tips and suggestions for single moms on Valentine’s Day. This Single Mom with an empty nest is happy not having to put much thought into the day.
In Fact, below are a few reasons I happy not celebrating Valentine’s Day.
No shopping for last minute cards and chocolates. No guilt gifts, cupcakes, teddy bears or candy.
I won’t have to go out of my way to make sure my children have what they need for their Valentine’s Day. No school parties to provide for. No girlfriends to make sure they buy for. My kids learned from the best when it comes to being romantic, they are now on their own. That is reason enough to celebrate!
No worries over what to do for or expect from a significant other.
Will he feel pressured to make it a special day for me?
Do I have to play that game too? No thanks!
I don’t need “5 Tips” on how to survive Valentine’s Day without a significant other. I celebrate not having a significant other!
So, tomorrow night, I’ll watch, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, bake some cupcakes prop my feet up, munch on sweets and, fantasize about erasing all the painful memories of lovers lost. Or, maybe, fantasize about all the good memories I’ll make with lovers in the future.
However, you choose to feel about Valentine’s Day I hope you know it’s completely up to you. View it as a romantic holiday to be shared with your lover, a day of running around and making sure the children have what they need or, just another day. Do it well and be happy however you do it.
This article first appeared on DivorcedMoms.com.
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