Alpha One Andrology Group is noting that erectile dysfunction is fast becoming a major cause of divorce in India.
The study looked at 2,500 Indian men who were or are experiencing erectile dysfunction, and found that 20% had divorced due to sex-related problems, while another 10% were in marriages that were teetering on the edge of divorce – again, due to sex-related problems.
The same study also found that 50% of all men over 40 years of age suffer from, or will suffer from, erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives.
As for why Indian men aren’t seeking help from their doctor for their medical condition before they seek keep from their lawyer for their marital condition, reconstruction surgeon and andrologist Anup Dhir said that it’s simply not a cultural norm in the sub-continent.
Men have an ego problem in accepting the fact and most of them remain secretive about their sexual health, which leads to delayed treatment,” noted Dhir, who added that by the time some men seek medical treatment, their marriage is already past the breaking point.
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