Oklahoma has both fault and no-fault grounds for divorce. As a practical matter, however, almost all dissolution of marriage proceedings are brought under the no-fault ground of incompatibility, since the concept of fault as a grounds for divorce has no applicability on the other issues of the divorce. A recent amendment to the Oklahoma grounds for divorce now requires the parties to attend a parenting class if there are minor children and the grounds for divorce is incompatibility.
The other fault grounds for divorce in Oklahoma include:
- Abandonment for one year;
- Adultery;
- Impotency;
- When the wife, at the time of her marriage, was pregnant by someone other than her husband;
- Extreme cruelty;
- Fraudulent contract;
- Habitual drunkenness;
- Gross neglect of duty;
- Imprisonment for the commission of a felony;
- Foreign divorce that is not valid in Oklahoma.
David. W. Echols is an Oklahoma City divorce lawyer who specializes in family law issues such as divorce and child custody.
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