According to research published in the National Institutes for Health, more than 18 million children under the age of 18 currently live with one adult who suffers from alcohol abuse. As expected, the impact of living with a parent who abuses alcohol on minor children can result in unmet developmental needs, impaired and damaged attachments to a parent, economic hardships in the family, legal problems, emotional and psychological distress, and in some cases, even violence.
Effects of Alcohol Abuse on Families with Children
According to additional research from the National Institutes for Health, if a child consistently experiences an environment in which a primary caretaker is unresponsive to their basic needs, they have a greater risk of developing an insecure attachment that may lead to depression, anxiety, and an overall failure to thrive. On the other hand, children, especially at a young age, benefit from having a relationship with both parents.
Child Custody in Cases with Alcohol Abuse
As in all divorce cases, determinations must be made regarding child custody arrangements. For custody cases involving alcohol abuse, drafting a fair and solid parenting plan is vital for the children to have a meaningful relationship with both parents without compromising their safety or health.
Which Factors Determine Child Custody?
Courts have a legal responsibility to ensure that a child remains as safe and healthy as possible. Courts will consider several factors to determine child custody schedules, and one of the factors often includes looking at both parents’ history of substance abuse. Any current or previous events that illustrate a connection between substance abuse and the emotional or physical harm of a child will be considered by a court when making custody determinations.
Upholding the Best Interests of the Child Standard
Throughout the United States, courts typically use a guiding principle known as the “best interests of the child” standard to make determinations regarding child custody arrangements. While it may seem that this standard is arbitrary, it weighs several factors that may potentially impact the emotional, psychological, and physical well-being of a child. Courts want to ensure that the children have as much of an opportunity to maintain a relationship with both of their parents.
Soberlink Alcohol Monitoring
Soberlink alcohol monitoring is a solution for parents who abuse alcohol or are accused of abusing alcohol and want to ensure that they retain the right to have custody of their children. The comprehensive system helps document proof of sobriety by sending real-time results to Contacts which can include the other parent, attorneys, GALS, mediators, and anyone else concerned about the child’s safety. Facial recognition and tamper detection are unique Soberlink features that confirm the identity of the Monitored Client and uphold the integrity of each test sent. Soberlink can create a foundation upon which parents can prove to a court that they are taking their recovery seriously. Designed for ease-of-use, Soberlink fosters accountability, trust, and peace of mind to both the court and concerned family members.
Soberlink Alcohol Monitoring in Child Custody Cases
Soberlink offers a unique and court-admissible way for parents to demonstrate commitment to safer parenting. Utilizing a remote alcohol monitoring system can increase the chances of maintaining close emotional and physical ties to their child. Cases in which the court does not allow such an option for alcohol monitoring can result in endless litigation and constant disruption to the bond between parent and child.
Consider how utilizing an alcohol monitoring device such as Soberlink can help ensure that you receive time with your child – as well as encourage and establish healthy habits.
Chris Beck is the VP of Business Development for Soberlink Healthcare. His primary responsibilities include working with Family Law Professionals and divorcing couples to educate them on Soberlink’s modern approach to alcohol monitoring for Child Custody Cases. Chris and his wife Sheila are Licensed Foster Parents in NC and spend their free time advocating for children in their local community. www.soberlink.com
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