Getting a divorce involves a lot of paperwork. A Divorce Organizer can help you organize your paperwork which can then save you money. A Divorce Organizer can help you set up a filing system so that you can easily keep track of all the information that you and your lawyer will need as part of your divorce process. This includes identifying and locating many of the financial documents that you will need to fill out your Financial Statements, so that you will be prepared when you reach that stage of the divorce process.
You will learn the importance of keeping a current “Divorce Calendar” to not only remember appointments and important deadlines, but to help you keep track of contacts and discussions with your spouse around any contentious issues. The more organized you are, the faster you can locate the necessary information, the more completely you can track timelines of events, the easier you will make it for your legal team.
And the added benefit: you and your legal team will not be wasting time searching through drawers and shoe boxes to find the paperwork you need. Remember, not wasting your lawyer’s time means more money stays in your pocket!
Debbie Shawn founded Divorce Matters – Preparing for an Organized Divorce in Toronto, Ontario, to help divorcing people organize their legal and financial information, to feel more in control of this difficult process, and to ultimately become their own best advocate. divorcematters.ca
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