A petition for divorce must be filed with the court for at least 60 days before the court can grant the divorce.
If the parties are in agreement, a divorce proceeding can be finalized soon after the 60-day waiting period is over. If the parties are not in agreement, the time it takes will depend on the court’s schedule and the complexity of the case. From start to finish, the divorce process may go through a number of phases including temporary orders, exchange of financial information, psychological evaluations (in custody cases), alternative dispute resolution, trial, and appeal. A divorce in which the parties are not in agreement on some or all issues will usually take at least several months.
You are divorced when all the property and child-related issues are resolved and the judge signs an order, usually called a Decree of Divorce.
Jane-Ashley McMillan practices family law, mediation, and Collaborative Divorce in Plano, TX.
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