There are several ways to help your lawyer do a more efficient job for you. I’ll address the financial aspects of your divorce settlement(s) here.
- Prepare a list of concerns – what you care about regarding the divorce. Don’t just go in for a conversation about your situation. Share your perspective about why you believe the divorce is happening.
- Make a list of the joint assets that will need to be divided.
- Make a special notation about the items you feel may cause arguments.
- Make a list of all bank accounts, joint, individual, or otherwise.
- If you suspect that your spouse is hiding assets – be ready to explain why.
- If there is a family business, and you feel that shares/equity are being understated – be ready to alert the lawyer
- Tell the lawyer your goals for this divorce: What are you willing to divide, and how do you feel it should be divided.
- Have a clear idea of what you are willing to negotiate, such as… how to divide the cash assets,trading home ownership now and foregoing retirement benefit participation, trading increased monthly financial support (alimony or child support) for reduced time period .
- Immediately get any information the attorney requests from you.
- Be sure that you understand the details of whatever you are asked to sign, before signing. Don’t hurry thought reaching an agreement, just to get it over with. You will regret this later.
- Keep track of the progress regarding each of those items. More lawyer time means increased legal cost.
- Remember, these agreements will have a major impact on the rest of your life. The lawyer wants the most satisfied client possible. You can help with that, prevent unnecessary stress and save yourself legal costs, while protecting your emotional and financial futures.
Georg Finder, a court accepted Independent Credit Damage Evaluator since 1995, limits his practice to economic damage in contract, tort and family law. His office is located in Southern California and he practices nationally. For a free consultation call (855) 879-6253.
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