Divorce mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution where the parties two of divorce work with a neutral third party to reach an agreement to settle that divorce. The parties can mediate all issues that would be present in a divorce such as the allocation of parental responsibilities as well as all financial matters. Or the parties can mediate specific issues and leave other issues for their attorneys to negotiate or for the court to decide. The goal of mediation is to allow the parties to reach as many agreements as possible, once the mediation is complete the mediator will reduce the agreement of the parties to writing, the agreement may be reviewed by an attorney if the party has an attorney. If the mediated agreement accurately reflects the parties agreement then a judge will enter an order that makes the agreement binding.
Matthew R. Majernik is a highly skilled mediator and family lawyer in Bloomington, Illinois with a focus on family law and estate planning. His experience also includes the areas of dissolution of marriage, parentage actions, custody, child support, and order of protection. www.allisonmosby-scott.com
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