TORONTO — A recent online poll by DivorceMagazine.com found that the majority of respondents would not sleep with their ex-spouses after divorce. However, the results varied noticeably when divided by gender: more than two-thirds of divorced women polled definitely would not sleep with their exes, whereas for the divorced men, the difference between those who responded they would and those who responded they wouldn’t was considerably small.
The poll first appeared on the website last July and closed on December 31. It asked online readers the simple question: “Would you sleep with your ex after your divorce?” The poll received anonymous responses from a total of 552 people — 291 men and 261 women. Of the women, a resounding 180 (or 69%) said they would not have sex with the ex post-divorce, while only 55 (or 21%) said they would and 26 (or 10%) were undecided. In the men’s corner, 135 (46%) said no, 125 (43%) said yes, and only 31 (11%) weren’t sure. In total, 57% of the poll respondents would not sleep with their ex-spouses, 33% would, and 10% said they didn’t know. DivorceMagazine.com, which has been online since 1996, is an Internet divorce resource full of advice, self-help articles, and statisticsas well as information on divorce professionals throughout North America. It also includes an archive of past polls asking readers questions about divorce, marriage, parenting, child custody, dating, sex, infidelity, and other related issues. The polls have been running since July 2000. To see the results of past DivorceMagazine.com polls, click here.
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