October 18, 2011. New York divorce rates no trend
Since its beginning, the State of New York has been a trendsetter for the rest of the nation. It seems, however, that it is not leading divorce trends.
Divorce rates are actually lower in the liberal state than they are among many southern states which are considered part of the “Bible Belt.”
While many southern states have divorce rates that exceed the national average, New York and other states in the Northeast boast divorce rates significantly below that average.
New Yorkers are among the most likely to stick together compared with married couples throughout the country.
This is the first time the US Census Bureau has been able to conduct a detailed examination of marriage, divorce, and widowhood by using data obtained from the census. Needless to say, it was surprising to discover that divorce rates are now highest among the more socially conservative states in the South.
According to the 2009 data collected by the US Census Bureau, the divorce rate in New York for men is 6.6 and 7.3 for women, based on national, regional, and state divorce rates per 1,000 men and women aged 15 and over.
Why the difference in divorce rates?
A sociology professor from John Hopkins says: “The reason is that young adults in the South and West tend to have less education and marry earlier, both of which lead to a higher risk of divorce.”
So why isn’t the divorce rate higher in New York?
Do New Yorkers just value the sanctity of marriage more than couples in other states? Not exactly.
It’s harder to get a divorce in New York, which might contribute to the lower divorce rate. People also tend to stay single longer, so there are fewer people per capita getting married and thus fewer people per capita getting divorced than in other states.
For frequently asked questions on New York divorce, click here.
For divorce professional in New York, click here.
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