If circumstances have significantly changed for you or the other party from the time of the original support order, the order may be modified by filing a Request for Order for modification. A support modification action may be appropriate under the following circumstances:
- You are earning less income.
- You lost your job.
- You are about to retire or have retired.
- The other party’s income has increased.
- The other party is cohabitating.
- Your timeshare with your child(ren) has gone up.
- You have one or more new children, not including step-children.
Please be aware that a court order is required to modify support. The court will not uphold a verbal agreement, exposing you to liability for back support as well as interest when your ex-spouse reneges on the verbal agreement.
Wendy K. Tse has exclusively practiced family law since 1998, with extensive experience in matters pertaining to California divorce, contested custody disputes, child support, and spousal support, among others. She is a member of the Los Angelos County Bar and Orange County Bar Associations and is a part of the Brandmeyer, Gilligan & Dockstader law firm team.
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