The New Year has brought about some changes to the divorce process in Ontario, namely that a divorcée who wishes to change her last name back to her maiden name will pay a flat $25 fee regardless of the timing, and new rules make it easier to divide pension assets.
Under the old rules, unless a name-change application was processed within 90 days of the divorce, the fee was $137. In a news release, Government Services Minister Harinder Takhar said, “The last thing people should have to think about when going through a difficult time is government red tape. We’re pleased to be able to make things easier for people during that time.”
Under the Family Statute Law Amendment Act, the new regulation clarifies how and when pensions are divided, thus saving time in court and the cost of hiring experts. Jenn Bell, of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General said, “The amendments will allow for a simple way for separating couples to find out the value of the pension benefits to which they are entitled and allow pension plans to pay out a portion of the equalization payment from the pension itself.”
Way to go, Ontario!
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