The recommendations are along the lines for a Guardian Ad Litem. You and your attorney are going to have determine what the issues are. If there’s been domestic abuse then you need to get a certified copy of the court related to that criminal case, and take it with you and share it with the evaluator. Emails, health records, relevant writings, school records, any documents that tend to confirm your position on the issues that are presented are going to be really helpful for the evaluator.
In the evaluation, there’s going to be some pencil and paper tests that are administered by the psychologist to both parents. The lawyer really should spend some time on how to approach that kind of testing with their client. That should happen long before the person finds themself in the room in the psychologist’s office with a Scantron form and a pencil in hand. There’s some helpful tips that the lawyer can give the person that’s going to undergo that kind of testing.
You need to be respectful of the psychologist’s time, they don’t really need the one-year history of the relationship, or the difficulties that arose in the first three months of the relationship. What they need is information that summarizes and accurately reports what the current circumstances are, what the current issues that have manifested themselves are, and what the goals are that the parent is trying to achieve in terms of the best interest of the kids.
Chuck Roberts is family lawyer at Momkus McCluskey Roberts, LLC, one of the largest law firms in DuPage County, Illinois.
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