If there’s a lot of conflict between the parents, they can still share parenting rights and responsibilities. Unfortunately many parents are high conflict. This means that the children are often used as a weapon against the other parent. Many parents feel that they’re helping their case by turning the child to their side and they’re wrong. A parent who puts the child in the middle of the conflict is asking way too much of the child. A custody battle is hard enough for adults who are fully mentally developed and should be able to process conflict. A child is not fully mentally developed and often does not understand and cannot process the conflict.
Children will have behavioural regressions and mental breakdowns. These are signs that the child is struggling to process the conflict. These children need immediate help. The best gift a parent can give his or her child in the midst of custody battle is the ability to just be a kid and not worry about the parent argument.
Kate Miller is a Denver, Colorado attorney focused exclusively on the practices of divorce and family law. She has lived many of the issues regarding divorce and child custody, and is passionate about helping people through this process. To learn more about Kate and her firm visit www.MillerFamilyLawLLC.com.
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