Free cutting-edge proactive QDRO e-management program. Anytime, anywhere, 24/7 access to e-files, status and QDRO pdf’s of hand-drafted QDROs .
First came the computer and e-mail. Now exciting new proactive technology is fast coming to the law field, and in particular, to the divorce lawyer who can most benefit due to lower-billing cases and the challenges of direct and often emotional client contact.
AVVO, the online Q& A Forum for Experts says that keeping the client informed and handling important aspects of the case correctly and in a timely fashion are keys to client satisfaction. Making the time to fill out forms in the highly technical and legalistic area of Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs) cannot be put on the back burner. No lawyer wants to be in the position where the Participant dies and the QDRO is not in place. Time spent looking for the file and not having the file in hand when it’s needed, creates an additional productivity roadblock. The Texas Center for Legal Ethics states “failing to have the right document or the right answer on hand is a common complaint clients have about their attorneys.” Not being able to immediately advise the clients where the QDRO stands in terms of the request or the pre-approval process is another attorney and client frustration.
A well-known nationwide QDRO Actuarial Service, Pension Analysis Consultants, Inc. with offices in Elkins Park, PA and Coral Gables, FL now addresses these concerns with a newly developed cutting-edge QDRO e-Request Management Program called “myPAC”, accessed right on their website, www.PensionAnalysis.com. A leading nationwide provider in the highly specialized field of pension valuations and drafting QDROS for divorce, Pension Analysis Consultants, Inc, (PAC®) appears to be the first in its field to respond to their attorney clients’ requests to be able to electronically request and manage hand-drafted QDROs. PAC® now offers this direct QDRO e-request capability as a free QDRO management tool with their state-of-the-art proactive QDRO management program, myPAC. They’ve added features for the attorney to personally manage his or her QDRO requests for immediate hands-on efficiency and productivity benefits. Within his secure account, the attorney keys in his QDRO information right into the PAC® network, automatically linking with PAC®’s database of over 1000,000 plans. Any time, day or night, he can view his account and instantaneously request, review, edit, communicate with PAC®, upload documentation, provide payment, see the draft QDRO pdf and check on QDRO progress. He can also selectively indicate permissions to opposing counsel or other parties for one or more of these functions.
myPAC is easily accessed right on the home page of PAC’s website www.PensionAnalysis.com or by searchingwww.myPAC.PensionAnalysis.com.
The attorney enters the date electronically, but the QDRO is meticulously drafted by hand by the Pension Analysis Consultants’ credentialed pension actuary and his highly-trained QDRO analysts. PAC® applies personalized attention to the specific needs of each QDRO request, backed by its’ expertise and experience of over 24 years’ of performance in over 11,000 QDROs. Attorneys will wonder how they ever managed without it.
“Just like all of our proprietary software and custom algorithms, myPAC was also designed in-house drawing upon PAC’s technical and mathematical capabilities and our extensive knowledge of QDROs and Equivalent Court Orders” explains Mark K. Altschuler, President and Actuary of Pension Analysis Consultants, Inc. Mr. Altschuler, a credentialed Actuary whose affiliations include American Society for Pension Professionals & Actuaries (ASPPA) and The American Academy of Financial & Economic Experts, is the highly respected author and co-author of three benchmark Pension & QDRO textbooks (WoltersKluwer:NY ) that set the field standards. Mr. Altschuler is nationally known for his substantive Continuing Legal Education Seminars and his numerous family law publications articles on pension & QDRO topics in Divorce. These articles and books excerpts can be viewed on www.pensionanalysis.com.
Mr. Altschuler and his in-house developmental group have merged this cutting edge QDRO technology with over two decades of pension and QDRO knowledge and experience. Now law practitioners with a divorce case involving a QDRO need only a “click” to get the process going.
With “myPAC”, attorneys can quickly, securely and easily access their information, manage their case, share documentation and keep clients informed anywhere, anytime. There is no extra fee to use “myPAC”; it’s just a new, better way to enter a QDRO. “myPAC” is part of the proactive commitment by PAC to provide continuously improving service, giving family lawyers the technology for becoming nimbler players in divorce. Pension Analysis Consultants, Inc. (PAC®) can be contacted at (800) 288-3675 or [email protected]
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