There is something about embarking on a solo road trip that is so liberating and fulfilling that it’s often seen as the ultimate cure for post-divorce restlessness.
It gives you new energy to start over, which is why it’s an exceptionally good idea if you’ve just got out of a relationship or marriage that didn’t work out. As much as it is about embracing your singlehood and anticipating a new chapter in life, it is also useful for quieting the inner chaos that usually follows a bitter divorce.
When on the road, you’re forced to relearn how to be completely independent and happy with who you are as an individual, and since you can only rely on yourself, this experience can help instill confidence and result in personal enrichment.
Here is how you can redefine yourself while traveling solo, overcome the aftermath of separation and truly experience the joy of singlehood.
Road Trip after Divorce: How to Redefine Yourself While Traveling Solo
Plan ahead but be flexible
One of the best things about traveling solo is that you don’t have to cater to anyone’s needs and preferences, which is usually how every family or group trip works. Solo road trips mean that the only person whose needs and wants you have to consider is you, which means you get to choose everything – from your itinerary, the place where you’re going to stay, the food you’re going to eat, and the type of entertainment that you enjoy.
And while you should plan ahead and have it all figured out before you embark on this amazing journey, you should also be flexible and open to some new ideas that weren’t really a part of your plan when you first made it. You never know just how much you may like the whole experience, and if the road takes you somewhere new, go for it – it may be a new opportunity for discovering yourself, and you don’t want to miss that.
Make safety a priority
While traveling solo is an exciting experience that everyone should try at least once, it also means taking good care of yourself and making safety a priority. Before you head to your dream destination, look up some safety information about that place. Check if there’s anything, in particular, you should avoid such as certain areas and neighborhoods, and be sure to skim through your lodging’s ratings for safety.
Find a travel clinic and ask about the potential vaccines or prescriptions you might need to take before embarking on a journey. Be sure not to bring any valuables around with you and keep your money and credit cards stashed away to avoid potential robbers. Don’t leave without proper car insurance either and make sure you get one that comes with a range of covers and optional extras to ensure you get an insurance that is tailored to your needs.
Be open to new experiences
How we view the world is often dictated by the things, people, and ideas that surround us, and that is exactly why you need to take the plunge and embark on a solo road trip. Traveling solo takes you out of your comfort zone after divorce and it gives you a chance to view normal, everyday things in a different light.
Nothing is familiar when you’re visiting new places, and that uncertainty and fluidity is what makes solo traveling so appealing to many new divorcees. Use this chance to learn a new language, try some new foods, and pick up some tricks from the people you meet – all this will enrich your mind and help you discover something about yourself, which only happens once you step out of your comfort zone.
Understand that all you need is a fresh start
If you’re someone who has just gone through a divorce, chances are you’re still rethinking your past decisions and mistakes. However, this does nothing but anchor you to one place, one point in the past, and staying in one place is not an option if you want to move on.
Look at your solo road trip as a way to distance yourself from the past, both physically and emotionally, so you can get a clearer picture and know where you stand. As you enjoy the scenery of the never-before-seen regions, reflect on your life and all your decisions, and use the time while you’re alone to visualize what you want from your future and how you can get it.
Doing so will help you heal and recover, and set the stage for a fresh start after divorce and a new chapter in your life.
Embarking on a solo road trip offers you a chance to reinvent yourself, redefine your life, and let your confidence and strength reemerge. While it might not be a life-changing experience (although it has every potential to become one), traveling alone will help you work through your feelings and rediscover who you used to be. Who knows…maybe you’ll even discover a new side of yourself. However, one thing is for sure – it’s definitely worth a shot!
Lilly Miller is a Sydney-based graphic designer and a passionate writer. She loves everything about home decor, art history, and baking. She shares a home with two loving dogs and a gecko named Rodney. www.twitter.com/heyoitslilly
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