March 4, 2014
The San Diego Superior Court is making it easier and more efficient than ever for separating couples to finalize their divorce. A new program aimed at litigants without legal representation is allowing eligible couples to resolve their divorce in just one day. Initiated on March 1, the “One Day Divorce” pilot program is now up and running at San Diego’s Downtown Family Court.
Traditional divorce is often a lengthy process that may be drawn out over many months or years, so the potential to complete a full divorce within one day is certainly appealing to anyone contemplating divorce. However, a one-day divorce may not be right for everyone, and there are several factors to consider before applying for this speedy divorce program.
“While there are undeniable benefits to the one-day divorce and expediting the process, there will always be a risk that a party may be pressured into an agreement they may not have had the time to think about or to have an attorney review,” San Diego lawyer Puja A. Sachdev told Divorce Magazine.
Additionally, couples must meet all of the necessary requirements in order to be eligible for a one-day divorce. The program is only available to couples without attorneys to represent them in court and without contested issues related to their separation.
The expedited process involves eligible applicants filing a petition, meeting with a family law expert to discuss the terms of the proposed settlement agreement, and then completing the forms necessary to finalize the process. Ideally, once the paperwork has all been properly completed, the divorcing couple could appear in court later that same day to receive their final divorce judgment.
For more information about the One Day Divorce program or to find out if you’re eligible, visit the San Diego Superior Court website.
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