True. And again, I know it’s been a constant refrain, but it is a fact specific case. You’d have to look at what the high-net-worth is and what’s the reasonable standard of living? It is one of the factors to consider. The judges will try to strive as best they can to allow the parties to remain in the same sort of lifestyle that they lived during the marriage; however, if we do come up with that there is a finite amount of money or assets, particularly if one spouse was incredibly high-net-worth and the other spouse wasn’t. There’s only so much income or so much wealth to go around, that all has to be considered. Judges will strive to put those together but it’s only one of many factors.
Sean Sullivan is a family lawyer practicing in the Elmhurst, Illinois area at the law offices of Laura M Urbik Kern, specializing in child custody and dissolution in divorce.
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