The court looks at each of the factors. None of the factors has greater weight than the other on paper. It’s the facts that say which factors are of greater weight. A child that is over, like in high school, their opinion is going to be considered much more than someone who’s five. It’s not a matter of they make the decision. We never give that kind of power to kids. Kids always have to know that the parents are in charge and in control. The more the parents get along, the healthier those children are. The more they fight, the more damage people do to their kids. I really don’t think people realize that, sometimes, it’s not the divorce that causes broken children – it’s the party’s behavior.
With 30 years of experience in family law, Laura M. Urbik Kern is a certified mediator and family lawyer who concentrates on dissolution, family and juvenile law, child support, and complex domestic relations cases.
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