Michael Geary answers:
When you consult with a prospective family law attorney bear in mind that the attorney’s ability to assist and advise you is only as good as the accuracy of the information you provide to the attorney. If facts are hidden due to embarrassment or any other reason, you will not get accurate advice from your attorney and your goals can be seriously compromised. It is critical for you to be open and honest.
Prepare your attorney for any problem areas that you believe may be encountered in your case. Before meeting with a potential attorney, identify the most sensitive issues of your case, such as fault, custody of children, division of property, payment of debts and other financial issues. Expect to hear your attorney’s honest opinion and keep in mind that you are paying for his or her expertise. Even if you do not choose to hire an attorney with whom you consult, that attorney is still bound by the attorney client privilege and is prohibited from disclosing anything you discuss with a third party.
Therefore, there is no reason not to be candid with an attorney. He/she can be of the greatest assistance to you if all information is shared.
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