A paternity test is a scientific test which compares the DNA of a child and alleged father to determine whether the man is or is not the biological father of a child. Here are some common questions about paternity tests:
Do I have to have a doctor’s order?
A doctor’s order is not required however you will be tax exempt with a doctor’s referral.
Do I need to have a lawyer or court order?
If all parties involved in the testing agree to participate voluntarily, neither a lawyer nor court order is required.
Can testing take place without the mother?
It is possible to conduct a DNA paternity test without a sample from the child’s biological mother however it is preferred that the mother also provides a specimen.
Jennifer Clay is from Orchid Cellmark, a leading provider of parentage, relationship and forensic identity analysis. She can be reached at 1-866-TEST-DNA (837-8362),[email protected]. View the firm’s web site at www.orchidcellmark.ca
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